
Sunday, November 13, 2011

Sewing Swap

Oh! A week without a post! I am so sorry! But I really didn't sew anything new for a bit of time.. so I didn't really had what to show you.. but now.. my blog friend Anita rescued me! :)
She sent me a lovely lovely cloudy bag this week. Of course I didn't finish a gift for her.. But this week t will change for sure. For now, I will show you what I got!
Isn't she beautiful and sooo inspiring? The exterior is made of white&blue dotty fabric.. and it has a small pocket inside. Just perfect for carrying my books too school :)
Thank you Anita sooo sooo much! I love it! And please be patient, I will finish your gift this week!

Ohh! And something wonderful happened! My boy bought a car! I know it's not a 'wow' type of a information for you.. but for me it is! And I just had to boast about it! I'm so proud!

P.S. Few notebooks comming to my shop this week!



  1. oooo jak cudnie uchwyciłaś :] fajnie,że się podoba, niech służy długo

  2. łoooł, piękna torba! Ja jestem w trakcie tworzenia sukienki z chmurkami :)

  3. Jaaa to jestem zapóźniona z twoimi notkami, Uwielbiam Te strony które stworzyłaś - genialne, Ciesze sie ze Twój ukochany ma samochód - ^^, no i zazdroszcze torby :)


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