
Sunday, November 20, 2011

Sewing swap part 2

 Remember the Sewing Swap with Anita, and the beautiful bag I have received from her? Today I will show you what I made for this swap! :)
Anita loves to sew and she wanted one of my notebooks.. So I created a romantic version of the Sewer's Journal specially for her :)
 I really love the fabric from the cover - I hope Anita likes it as much as I do :) I have a bit of it left.. Maybe I will make a notebook for my shop from this beautiful fabric soon :)
 Pages are creamy.. and the edges are colorful.. I hope she likes this little innovation;p
 And a simple fabric strap for closure.. Size - A6, 200 pages :)
I really love swap with other bloggers.. It's amazing.. receive beautiful packages with beautiful things inside.. and you almost never know what you will receive.. You just know that it will be special.

Thank you again Anita for this wonderful swap! I love your bag so so much!

P.S. If someone is interested in buying this book - I have it for sale. 49zł (+10zł shipping) and it's your's :) I just don't have time to make stuff from it.. too much hobbies! :)


  1. I'd love to have this book, but I'm afraid I won't have time

  2. I forgot to say - lovely notebook;)

  3. łał. ale śliczniasta tkaninka. pięknie. kolorowe strony też super wyglądają. pozdrawiam z polskiej wsi weekendowej;)

  4. no,no,no!!!!!!
    śliczny :)!
    mój już w połowie zapisany...więc niedługo będę potrzebowała nowego :)
    pozdrawiam z irlandzkiej wsi :)!

  5. Marysza! Przepiękny notes, jak ja kocham je wszystkie! Przepiękny, po prostu boski :) A ten materiał!?!?!?!? OCH ACH ECH! Mój ukochany :)
    Pozdrawiam ciepło :)

  6. Мне очень нравятся все ваши блокноты! Я их обожаю!

  7. What a beautiful notebook. I would be afraid to write in something that pretty!

    loulou :)

  8. jest absolutnie cudowny! kocham go i nie umiem się nacieszyć:p dziękuję,to była ogromna przyjemność


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