
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

the 30 day journal challenge part 5

This time I will show you 6 prompts. My favourites are 22, 23, 24 and 26.
The rest is well.. not very good.. but I'm glad I like 4 of them! :))

Journal Prompt 21:
Today is another challenge of sorts :) This is a drawing prompt which may seem scary to some but you will rock it :) (I have seen your illustrations and they are amazing). I want you to illustrate your job.  
The key word here is "illustrate" it. It's kind of like a game of Pictionary right?

Journal Prompt 22:
If you could have one superpower, what would it be?? I think that this silly little prompt may actually say a lot about who we are :)
Yes, I'm dreaming about having beautiful wings.. maybe that's why I love fantasy and angelfantasy books :) of course not the ones with aureolas , white coats etc. I love this a bit darker fantasy.. So if I could have wings.. I would love to have them grey or brown.. 

Journal Prompt 23:
If you had 3 wishes today, what would they be? These can be silly wishes, heartfelt wishes, deep desires, or practical wishes. If you had 3 wishes right now, what would you ask for?

Journal Prompt 24:
What is the best piece of advice you have ever received? Words of wisdom are awesome right? Sometimes I just like to read through proverbs to remind myself of all of that good advice. What is the best advice you have gotten?
These little cloudy stamp is made of a rubber.. I really got into it and make stamps from rubbers all the time haha;p they are so silly, but also super cute! ;p

Journal Prompt 25:
Summer Sounds! If you are like me, music is a total MUST. There are so many great blogs that post playlists regularly and I love love love finding new music through them. Today, I would like you to create your perfect Summer Playlist :) Deal?

Journal Prompt 26:
A challenge. What are some things that you need to challenge yourself to do this summer? I know that this journal challenge is one thing for sure :) Today we will use the prompt- "I challenge myself to..."
And the sign from the last prompt is my favourite. I know my letters are getting a bit boring - I have to practice with some new patterns..! :))

Have a nice day!


  1. Cudownie! Ja się jeszcze za to nie wzięłam, ale na pewno się skuszę :). Tobie wychodzi to wyśmienicie!

  2. uwielbiam te Twoje czcionki, baaaardzo ich zazdroszczę :)

    wszystkie strony są fenomenalne, ale skrzydła i 'believe' szczególnie przypadły mi do gustu.

  3. Swietne strony! "I challange myself to" pieknie napisane, uwielbiam! Rozwijasz sie :)

  4. Lepiej późno niż wcale!
    Wszystko w swoim tempie :p
    fajowe wpisy :*


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