
Sunday, February 12, 2012

Hardcover Purple Journal

Ladies and gentleman! Introducing my A.'s second (note)book!
I think it looks really amazing! It is his second book and it's already very complicated!
Everything is made with great precision! The cover is made of thick purple canvas.
It has about 400 pages size A6  pages are also purple, but have a little different tone.
100% handmade from top to bottom!
(well, we didn't produce the paper ;p but who knows what will be next!)
I hope you like it as much as I do!
I have to ask my boy to make another one like this for me! Haha ;d
This is my last off-school day! What a shame! It was such a wonderful and creative 3 weeks! Tomorrow.. I have 10h at my University.. I whink I'll die there! ;o

I hope your weekend was wonderful! Wish you a lot of energy for the upcoming week!
I have a lot of work at school to the end of February.. so probably I'll won't have time for sewing.. Uh..

P.S. If you are intereted, you can buy it in my etsy shop here!


  1. It is beautiful!!
    What a talented pair you are!

  2. niesamowita robota. Jestem pod wrażeniem :)

  3. prosta rzecz a piękana ! ileż to pracy musi kosztować ??!! ale efekt jest powalający !

  4. noooo, Babeczko, prześlicznie to wygląda :) pełna profeska :) keep doing :)))

  5. Dzisiaj zajrzałam po raz pierwszy na Twojego bloga i stwierdzam, że jest niesamowity. Gratulacje za talent, determinacje, gust i cały sposób prowadzenia bloga. Marzę, aby tworzyć rzeczy tak pięknie jak ty. Trzymaj tak dalej i zarażaj ludzi swoją pasją! Uściski :)

  6. anonim - jejku dziekuje za te niesamowicie mile slowa! bardzo sie ciesze ze sie podoba.. :))


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