
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Dotty Spiralbound and FB Giveaway

As you know lately I made a few spiralbound planners.. two of them you can buy here.
 Today I want to show you closer the yellow dotty one! :)
 As usually it has 200 pages A6 and 3 colorful separating cards.
 Cover is made of a beautiful white&yellow dotty fabric.
 Below you can see the cards.. the one with houses is lovely, isn't it? ;d
 I mentioned at the beginning of this post that two of my planners you can buy at my etsy shop.. what about the third one? Well.. I decided to organise my first facebook giveaway!
Just hop onto my facebook page and you will know everything! :)
I hope you will like this giveaway.. I know it's nothing special but maybe someone wants it!

Have a wonderful&sunny day!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Dreamcatcher and Machine Embroidery

 Probably all of you heared about art-piaskownica - a wonderful challenge blog.
From time to time I participated in some challenges.. but I had no idea that ladies writing this blog would ever pick me for a guest designer! I was so happy when I got the information.. and a little bit stressed because I had no idea what topic to make..

For a long time now I was dreaming about a big dreamcatcher handing above my bed..
I couldn't buy the 'perfect' one so I thought.. well.. why not make a challenge where I could make a dreamcatcher myself?! And with Anita's help we decided to make a t-shirt recycling edition which you can find here!
The main ring is made of an old cardboard and an old yellow stretchy t-shirt. The lower part is also made of t-shirts and some other stuff like curtains, parts of metal jewellery etc. etc.

As you can also see I had no feathers.. and a dreamcatcher without feathers is not a dreamcatcher, right?! SO I painted one colorful feather and attached it to this weird construction ;d yesterday my A. brought me some real ones from the countryside.. can't wait to add them to this recycled work! Do you like how it looks above my bed?
A while ago I tried to make an embroidery.. but I'm not really good at it.. I'm very impatient.. so I tried to make it by using my sewing machine and a new embroidery foot! As you can see it looks very simple, but I like how it came out finally :)
It has 3 tiny buttons and some yellow leather pieces.. like I said.. nothing complicated but I really like how it looks on my wall.. :)

Oh and see these lovely prints with birds? Beautiful, aren't they? They are printed on fabric.. I bought them from a great shop here! Can't wait to make something out of them!

Have a nice day! I have to study -again- but this time for a test from french! ;o

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Rainbow Planner

Few days ago I tried to make a planner with rainbow and a bit rough edges.
First thought - it's impossible! I will destroy the separating cards! - But eventually I tried to do it and the cards are in one piece! But I have to admit I had a lot of stress making them!
 Uh! I'm getting bored of this blue background.. I have to change it soon!
 As you can see the cover has a flowery pattern and a little lace :)
Haven't used laces for ages! I need to buy some.. but they are so expensive here o.O
 See the first separating card? The one with beautiful flowers? It's my favourite! 
I hope you aren't bored with my planners :)

Today - day with books.. I have to study for a grammar test on Monday..
Oh I hate grammar so so much..

Have a nice weekend! Full of ideas and wonderful moments!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Spiral Bound Foxy Planner

New spiral bound planner! I made it yesterday evening..
I also made two more but I'll show you them later this week :) 
 Cover made of a beautiful foxy fabric - one of my favourites!
What a shame that it isn't produced any more! :(
 It has 200 white blank pages size A6 and 3 colorful separating cards.
 The size of the planner is just perfect if you want to carry it always in your bag :)
 I used beautiful papers from various scrapbooking shops.
The one with lanterns is amazing, isn't it?
I really hope you like it! If you are interested you can find it in
my etsy shop here or just contact me by e-mail :)

Have a wonderful day!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Sweet Scallops Bag

Few weeks ago I found this image on pinterest. I was in love with this scallop pattern!
Fortunately I found the original source quickly so if you want to
make a similar bag just click here for the tutorial! :))
As you can see I didn't use the whole tutorial just the part with the sweet scallops. I made it a lot bigger and my isn't 'flat'. I had no idea if I will make it correctly so I just picked some random fabrics and started sewing. The main fabric is cotton canvas.. I bought a lot of it and I have to admit I'm a little bit disappointed. I thought it will be thicker and the colour would be more.. natural? But well it's the risk of buying fabrics on-line! :) 
 As you can see the interior is made of a white&creamy striped fabric. It has an enormous pocket inside for all the little things which we loose in our big bags :)
At the back there is also a large pocket - but this one is a special place for a book. Why? Well, I hate opening my bag all the time when I'm for example in a bus.. It's a lot faster and easier to take your book from the back of you bag, isn't it?
 Oh and here a photo of Karolina and my new bag..  taken during a little spring walk :)
You now should have a more or less image how big it is in reality.
I'm really sorry for bad photos! I have no time to make better photos..
everything is made in a hurry!

I really like this bag - it's main advantage is that it's quite big.
It's weird but I have always a lot of things I just have to bring with me everywhere;p
Have a nice week! :)

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Kajtek's Journal

What a beautiful day! I can't believe that it's so warm from yesterday!
Few days ago I finished a special notebook for a lovely lady - well more specifically for her son! The task seemed simple - make a planner with his name. But in reality it wasn't that simple! It was really a lot of work to sew this name!
But finally, it looks quite good - doesn't it?
Of course photos don't show real colours.. still have problems with my little camera!
It has 200 pages size A5 and 5 separating cards!
The second one with the lantern is my favourite - what a perfect paper!
I really hope my client will like it when she will receive it :)
Oh and I used this lovely cover fabric for the first time!
Amazing bright fabric for a boy - perfect! :)
I have a rough time lately.. a lot of questions that can't be answered..
well maybe they can.. but every solution has a bad ending in this case.. ahh
I really hope the best solution will fall from the sky;p I'm tired of thinking!

I hope your week was better than mine.. more creative and without any problems :)
Have a nice weekend!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Spring Planner

Everything I do recently reminds me spring!
Few days ago I finished a special planner.. the colour scheme is very fresh!
 As usually it has 400 pages and 5 colorful separating cards :)
 The elastic band was originally white, but I have coloured it with tea and coffee to make an old effect.. The cover is made of beautiful fabrics bought in the USA :)
 Oh and I used this dotty mustard yellow fabric for the first time - isn't it perfect?
I have bought few beautiful dotty fabrics at last! :)
 Cards are made from ILS and scrap papers
 I really hope you like it! :)

Recently I have no time for sewing etc. because of school and my 'back to life'
But fortunately I still have some overdue posts to show you! :)

Now I'm going to relax a bit watching my new favourite
tv series 'Once Upon a Time'..

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Rainbow Edges

Another simple notebook with rough edges.. but this time the colour is a 'rainbow' :)
 It really looks interesting in reality! Especially when it is open :)
 As you can see the fabric from the cover is super popular actually!
Unfortunately I have just a bit of it left! Maybe for one or two notebooks :)
 And again it reminds spring, doesn't it? Can't wait for these fresh and warm days in April!
I hope you had a good week! My was quite good except thursday..
But what can I say.. shit happens haha! :)

Have a great and creative Sunday!

Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Night Sky Journal

I made this notebook a while ago now.. but I forgot to show it here!
It looks a bit better in reality - the blue colour is more intense :)
Yellow edges to fit the inner cover and the stars! :)
I had no idea that these stars will take so much time! But it was worth it.
It has 200 creamy pages size A6 (approximately 5.8 x 4.1 inches).
I hope you like it! :)

P.S. Look what I found today thanks to WOŚP.. a great band..
This song below is just amazing! I can't believe that they are Polish!
Amazing, aren't they?!

Have a nice day!

Monday, March 05, 2012

Spiral Bound Spring Planner

 First spiral bound notebook available in my shop! It isn't very expensive because there is two times less work than with my fabric planners :) I hope you will like it!
The cover is made from a beautiful fabric with a fresh apple pattern.. My new fabrics remind me spring.. ah! Can't wait to go out for a little walk and see how everything is waking up from the winter sleep..
 As you can see the planner consists of 3 separating cards and 200 pages size A6.
 These lovely papers for the cards are from here and here.
Oh and the spiral is more red in reality - here it looks too dark!
You can't imagine how happy I am to see the weather getting warmer and warmer.. My favourite two seasons of the year are spring and autumn.. ahh can't wait to hide all my warm clothes and take out all my skirts and dresses! ;d 

Do you like this spiral bound planner?
You can buy this notebook here or just contact me by e-mail if you like it!

Have a marvelous day!

Saturday, March 03, 2012

Hardcover Natural Leather Journal

About a year ago I bought on a flea market a very soft, beautiful, brown leather. I had no idea what to do with it but I just had to buy it - you can't imagine how soft it is in touch (I could hug it - weird!). Now when we started making notebooks in a traditional bookbinding technique we decided to try to make a special book from this leather.
 I am enchanted! It really looks great as a cover, don't you think?
 As you can see on the photos we introduced a little new innovation (again!) - the pages are a little bit olden (rough) just a bit but they look much more interesting :)
 I could touch and touch this cover all the time!! o.O
 It has about 400 pages size A6 as usually :)
Oh I forgot to mention that my A. is the author of this (note)book :) He is way more patient in bookbinding than I am - but what can I say - I'm a patient seamstress! :)

If you love it as much as I do you can find it on my etsy shop here.
Have a nice weekend!