
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

SODAjournal no 2

We have a new art-journal topic at SODAlicious! We had to create a page about stres..
It wasn't a problem for me because actually I'm a stress bomb. Seriously.
 As you can see my page is quite simple, but I have to admit I am very glad of it!
This brain 'drawing' took me a while, but sometimes it's really worth it to spend some more time on your journal pages :) And of course I confused the date on the left;p
A little close up.. like I said, nothin complicated :)

I really hope you like it and that I inspired you to make your own 'stress' page!
Check out SODA's blog to see the challenge :)

I used: blank art-journal, black alphabet and a magic pencil! :))

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Swap with Agi

As you probably all know now (previous post) I had a wonderful swap with Agi from Scrapowe-Lowe! I showed you the beautiful blanket I have received and now it's turn for notebooks I have sent to Agi! :)

I made her two notebooks but of course I forgot to make some photos of the second one!! The one below is made of a tourquoise corduroy with a Volkswagen T1.
The Volkswagen T1 is machine embroidered. It was quite difficult and it didn't really come out as I imagined... but Agi says she likes it so I'm super happy;p
It has 400 pages size A6 with rough edges and it's closed with a white elastic band :)
I missed making notebooks with rough edges!! ;d I love how they look!
The other notebook is smaller; it has 200 pages A6 and the cover is made from thick canvas. It looks like one of the 'notebook' journals I made earlier.

I love blog swaps! It's like barter, haha, but it's so much more fun!
Thank you again Agi for this wonderful swap! 

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend! I have to learn all day today! Ugh..

Friday, May 25, 2012

Spiralbound Chevron SODA Planner

I have no time for sewing, crafting or anything pleasant now! Uh.. but about two weeks ago I made (and forgot to show you) a spiralbound planner with a wonderful blue&white chevron pattern and with three separating cards made from beautiful SODAlicious papers! :)
The size is A6 and it has 200 white pages.
Perfect for every bag because it's small, handy and it's cover is quite thick.
Papers which are used for separating cards have wonderful patterns.
Writting machine, boy&girl and camera patterns.. SODAlicious 
I love this chevron fabric.. unfortunately I bought only a fat quarter and now it's almost gone!
If you really like this spiralbound planner you can buy it :)
Just send me an e-mail ( and I'll tell you everything!

Have a nice day everyone! And thank you for your comments on the previous post!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Weekender Traveller Bag

I completely forgot to show you the Weekender Traveller Bag which I have sewn for my dear friend Asia! I finished it in April and I was doing it really a long time..
I used Amy Buttler's pattern which I bought few months ago (January? February?)
 I have to admit that this pattern was really hard to understand for me.. and I know I will never buy a pattern like this again. Books are better for me - you have photos etc. showing you what to do (if you don't know something from the text). And.. well.. I have to admit my english isn't that good.. :( I have to practice more o.O
 I was sewing it ages.. seriously AGES. I thought that I will never finish this bag.. good I had a really good motivation -> it was a gift for my lovely Asia! :) 
 It's ENORMOUS! It is really perfect for a weekend trip! Oh and please don't judge which fabrics I have used.. I used them because only these striped ones I had in the perfect amount (2m each). Below you can see how the zipper looks - it's the first time I sewed it like that :) It was the biggest challenge for me;p
 Here you can see the interior.. it has two small pockets for a phone and some documents..
 And on the last photo (I know it's awful!) I wanted to show you how big it is in compraison with.. me;p It was really weird when I put 2 quite big pillows inside and there was still some space!! Incredibly big bag!
I'm so happy Asia likes it and that it arrived really fast to her!! I hope you like it too :)
Ohh and sorry for the mess at the last photo!!! I'm a bit sloppy sometimes..

Have a wonderful day!!
My day is full of tests.. I'm so stressed lately!! Keep your fingers crossed for my exams;p

Monday, May 21, 2012

Swap with Agi and a Discount!

A while ago I have organised a 'little' blog swap with Agi from Scrapowe-Love.
I was really shocked when she told me she will make a granny square blanket for me!
Isn't it the most beautiful crochet blanket you have ever seen? Well for me it is!
 It's big - perfect for cold evenings with books, and the quality of it is seriously amazing!
 Colours are perfect! I just can't say how thankful I am Agi!! And can't stop staring at it! 
 If you don't know Agi's blog you should visit it right a way! It's very inspiring and colorful!
Thank you so so soooooooooooooo much! 

Oh and here something for people interested in buying (note)books in my shop.
If you want to buy something it's a good moment - I'm giving a 20% off discount for every blog reader :) Just copy the coupon code: BLOGDISCOUNT when you will be making the transaction and you will get the discount :) Of course it works with every country :) I don't care if you are from Poland or from USA :)

If you will have some problems activating the discount please contact me I will help! :)
This coupon code will be active for 7 days (ends on the 28th May)

Have a wonderful day!

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Various Art-Journal Pages

First I would like to show you cover of one of my favourite journals! :)
It's from SODAlicious of course and it has wonderful camera image   
 My first page is about 'time machine' - If I had one, I would love to check how and when writing machines were created! :) It may be weird, but it really interests me sometimes;p
 Second page is about an 'eye' - topic from SP (ScrapujÄ…ce Polki).
 Third page about 'what's in my bag' - drawing version. And the page on the right is just a quotation I have heared somewhere.. I like it so much I had to write it down somewhere :)
 Fifth page is about my little love to Volkswagen T1.. a colorful hippie car!
 This one is about collections. Another topic from SP. I really like how it came out! :)
 And the last page is '21 before 22' but the part with so called challenges was a bit
private and very ugly.. so I'm just showing the upper part! ;d
I hope I have inspired you to make your own art-journal pages.. I try different techniques but I have to admit that making stains with ink and watercolours is my favourite one! This technique is so colorful and full of energy! I really really hope you like some of these pages! ;d

All product used are from SODAlicious

I was in cinema today on 'Dark Shadows' - it was a funny, colorful movie and I loved how everything looked! I had a really nice day with Bee at the cinema and then at Pogoria II Lake.. And thank you Bee for this nice photo of me! :))

Have a wonderful day!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Simple Spiralbound Album

Recently I have received few Simple Spiralbound Album orders, here is one of them:
It has a bit vintage look as you can see - vintage fabric and a nice, creamy lace :)
the wire has a bit antique look too - I love these wires! I wish I bought more!
Size of this album (but it can really be a notebook too!) is A5 with 160 quite thick pages.
And here my little journal stash, you can see some 'in progress' items and some
already finished.. I don't have much time because of my studies these days.
May is full of studying.. I don't even have time for my boyfriend!!
Uh.. can't wait to pass this first year! Keep your fingers crossed for all my tests and exams!

And have a wonderful day!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Delicate Butterfly Journal

Wow! Long time without showing you fabric journals with rough pages!
Well what can I say to excuse myself.. I have too many hobbies! Haha ;d
 As you can see on the photos this one is very delicate and girly :)
 It has three butterflies on the front cover and pink rough edges.
 The interior of the cover is also pretty delicate - flowers & pink :)
 Closed by two pastel pink cotton tapes. Oh! And size A5 with 300 pages.
 And we are back to creamy pages! I'm so happy I have them back!
 How do you like it? Maybe it doesn't look complicated but it wasn't easy to make these small butterflies! But what can I say.. i really like new sewing challenges! :))
Oh! And something yummy for the end of the post.. I made macarons again yesterday - the don't look as delicious as the previous ones.. but the taste is really freakng amazing!

P.S. I don't know if you know but I am a HUGE fan of films based on Marvel's Comics 
On Friday I went to the cinema to see The Avengers - I almost cried of laughing.. it was really an amazing film - a perfect compilation of 6 previous parts 

Have a wonderful day!

Friday, May 11, 2012

SODAjournal no 1

First art-journal challenge at SOD▲licious! If you don't know what is it all about just click here to read more. The first challenge is about 'the beginning'.. I made two pages because I didn't really like the first one.. you can see it below - something is wrong with it ;p
 The second page looks much better in my opinion.. more colour and energy in this one :)
I used supplies from SODAlicious of course :) I really love every single item in this shop.. Everything is so freaking inspiring!  I hope you like my journal pages.. Soon you will see a lot more!

products used: art-journal, paper 1/2/3/4, envelope, ink, tape, pencil

Have a very very inspiring Friday!

Monday, May 07, 2012


Everyone know what macarons are. Everyone saw it on the internet and was delighted by how they look.. rainbow of coulours and tastes.. but have you ever really tried how they taste? I wanted to try them for a long time but I couldn't find them anywhere here in Poland. Eventually.. yesterday we decided to make some  by ourselves! :)
I thought that they are so freaking expensive because of how much time
you have to spent doing them and because they are hard to make.
Well, surprise.. they are very easy to make and the ingredients aren't expensive!
 We made macarons for the first time.. so as you can see on the photos they aren't perfect..
but I love them! ♥ Amazingly delicious and super sweet!
 The original colour was creamy but we used a blue food colour to make them more fun :)
If someone is interested in making them here is a link with a polish recipe,
but I'm sure that an english version is also easy to find! :)

*papers from the background are from SODAlicious

I really hope you like photos of ouy first macarons! 
Have a wonderful day!

Friday, May 04, 2012

Drawing of the Winner

I am very sorry for the delay!! But I don't really have time for anything these weekend! I really hope you will like the drawing - something different from! :)
Note for the winner: please contact me by e-mail :)
Well, now you know who is the winner! Congrats for the lucky one! But don't worry that you haven't won! I will post another giveaway soon! ;d

P.S. If the winner won't contact me within 7 days I will choose another lucky person :)

Have a wonderful day!

EDIT: Cassie didn't write to me or anything (well, maybe the prize isn't nice for her?) - it's a week now from the drawing so I am drawing another winner.. The new winner is.. GOSIA! Congratulations! :)