
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Art Journal Pages

I am so glad you liked the previous post! Some of you said I should show paper-works more often.. well.. ok! Here are some art-journal pages I haven't shown you yet!

These are pages made for SODAlicious challenges! :)

no10 'chaos'
usually my pages express a lot of feelings and actual thoughts.. as you can see
I had a bit rough time when I was making this page

no11 'idea'

no12 'tell me'
page on the left.. still not very optimistic page but a bit more colorful :)

no13 'shelter'
the one on the right.. here nice colours and first days when it was snowing! fortunately that snow disappeared quickly.. I like winter.. but not that much!

no14 'this is it'
page about the Craftshow in Cracow, where I met wonderful girls in person!

no15 'point of view'
and last but not least, in fact - one of my favourite pages..

I have no time at all for sewing lately and I really hate it. I need to sew so many things! I have to sew so many gifts for Christmas, I hope I will manage to finish everything on time!

I hope you have more time for pleasant things right now than I have..

Have a nice evening,

P.S. Materials used for art-journal pages from here:


  1. U-wiel-biam!!! O mamusiu :) boskie strony! I jakże się cieszę, że mogłam je zmacać :) Wspaniałe jest jeszcze to zdjęcie roboczego biurka :) Chyba musze swoje posprzątać i nabałaganić na nim od nowa :)

  2. omg!! you are amazing! And inspiring me to enjoy making my journal pages in the best mood! xxoo!!

  3. Absolutnie uwielbiam Twoje wpisy art journalowe. Fanką jestem nie od dziś ♥
    A te ostatnie mnie powaliłaś! lowe ♥

  4. Niewiarygodne jest to co potrafisz wyczarować z papieru. Podziwiam :)

  5. ale poszalałaś z tymi stronami :D :D :D
    Maryszowa seria :D

  6. Kocham całym swoim sercem Twój art journal! I jakbym miala dwa serducha to to drugie tez by kochało :)

  7. zawsze przywalisz taką dawkę, że nie wiem, na co patrzeć! to oko przepiękne. i kocham burdelik biurkowy :)


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