
Saturday, December 29, 2012

Simple Pillow Case

I wanted to use fabrics which I have received from Lejdi so I decided to make a new pillow case few days ago. I have about 12 pillows in my room and I try to change their cases quite often so my room won't get boring for me. It's also a simple excuse to sew more and more pillow cases!
This one as you can see is very simple and of course I was in a hurry sewing it so these little squares are a bit crooked.. but I don't really care if things in my room are crooked or not! :)
Forgot to take a photo of the back of this pillow case, but you can see in the mirror that it's made of the light blue fabric from the front :) These fabrics have a really nice and a bit weird pattern! :)
Unfortunately my time for sewing is almost gone! I'm leaving to Wrocław tomorrow morning and I'll be back just before school so I'll have to concentrate on something totally different than sewing. But I'm happy I had some free time to create and that now I have a lot of things to show you!

I wish you a wonderful New Year's Eve, a perfect 2013 and I want to thank you all for your support in 2012. You are the biggest motivation! Thank you so so much!


  1. Śliczne! Kolor przepiękny, uroczy, napawający spokojem, baaardzo miło byłoby się do takich poduch przytulać :)

  2. bardzo sympatyczne połączenie kolorów :)

  3. no no szalejesz moja droga!:)
    tak! najlepszą zmianą w wystroju pokoju jest zmiana poszewek czy zasłon.... a że nadchodzi Nowy Rok to taka zmiana jest bardzo wskazana!
    A właśnie! Maryszka szczęśliwego 2013! Niech Ci się spełni chociaż jedno malutkie marzenie:) Ta 13 musi być szczęśliwa, prawda?:)


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