
Wednesday, January 02, 2013

What can we create from a curtain?

I would never even suppose that I'll sew a skirt! And a skirt from an old curtain! I didn't use any specific pattern, I just looked at one of my old skirts and tried to sew something like them.
It's not a perfect one but as it is my first skirt ever sewed from scratch, I'm incredibly glad!
As you can see it's pleated. I wanted to make a lot more pleates, but I had just a bit of this shiny, golden curtain (I found it few years ago in a second hand).
I had just a simple zipper and I didn't have time to go to a shop and buy a hidden one, so I sewed in the simple one and of course it looks awful.. but I don't mind it (I don't because it's my first skirt, if it was another one I would be incredibly disappointed!!).
It's also 2cm too loose so I have to use a safety pin..
I don't usually wear clothes like this BUT I wore this skirt to our New Year's Eve party in Wrocław! It's soooo weird when you wear something you sewed.. all the time you think it looks ugly and that everyone can see these small faults!! ;d
What do you think about it? Oh and I forgot to mention that firstly it was a hip skirt, but it didn't look good so I changed it to a waist skirt! :)

Skirt made for our new challenge at Art-Piaskownica. The last 12/12 in 2012! Come and join us!

I hope you had an amazing New Year's Eve party!
And of course I wish you a lot of happiness, health and creativeness in the year 2013!


  1. Cudna tkanina, super sie prezentuje.

  2. It looks great, I could also imagine it with an elegant long-sleeve black top.

    I'm happy to have found your blog, I have been reading it for a couple of months now, so it's high time to finally post a comment. :)

  3. I think it is adorable!

    And, don't worry about the little things. Other people never notice them. My mother always said about sewing imperfections, "If you can't see it from a running horse, don't worry about it!"

  4. Świetnie wyszła :) Zasłony dają wiele możliwości... ;)

    pozdrawiam, El clavel

  5. ahahaha a jednak założyłaś i to całkiem szybko :D i słusznie, bo wyszła rewelacyjna. a wszystkie laski pewnie patrzyły zazdrośnie!
    buziole noworoczne

  6. bombastyczna :) Najbardziej odoba mi sie frament w ktorym piszesz ze szylas z glowy patrzac na inne spodnice. No ja cie prosze! Nastepna bedzi ejuz idealna :)

  7. Świetnie Ci ta spódniczka wyszła! Wiedziała, że ani się nie obejrzę, a będziesz szyła ubrania :) I oczywiście robisz to perfekcyjnie :) Czy ktoś kto pozbywał się tej zasłony mógł przypuszczać, że kiedyś stanie się ona kreacją sylwestrową? ;) Podziwiam pomysłowość i umiejętności, po raz kolejny zresztą :)

  8. świetny materiał i fajny krój ;)
    piękna wyszła.
    pozdrawiam serdecznie

  9. wow świetna robota !!! Spódnica prezentuje się fantastycznie


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