
Friday, September 24, 2010


yesterday was my birthday.. and i got two beautiful bouquets. one from my boy and from my granny :) the roses i got from my A. were unusual. the colour is unique. but this photo doesn't show it good.

and here are flowers from my granny :)

and here is something i bought for ann. something she wanted 2 days ago when we met. a little gift cuz she is moving out.. far far away from here.. :)

beautiful mouse, isn't it? i love sunflowers! and my earlier mouse wasn't very pretty.. i like beeing surrounded with pretty things;d my A. got it for me;d

and something from today.. i sewed a round pillow. but i won't show you it  cuz it doesn't look very good. haha i have problems with round things to sew;d

and here. a sneakpeak. for the autumn swap 2010.

thats all.. for today :) i slept 5h and i'm really exhousted. why? cuz i finished doing projects at 2a.m. and i had to wake up at 7a.m to get ready and go to Chorzów, start painting that restaurant. of course at 9a.m i got a message that they have a breakdown and i have a day off. i was so happy, cuz i still want to do projects, and the next day i can go there is next friday.

hope everything will be ok :)

wish you a nice weekend. the weather is gorgeus!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


well.. i sewed a wallet yesterday.. my old one was a bit.. destroyed.. i wanted to buy a new wallet.. but for a long time i couldn'y find a nice looking. so yesterday, i sat on the carpet and i started to cut! and as you can see - i sewed a wallet for myself. i used it today already and i love it!!;d but there is one thing i want to do, but i can't cuz my sewing machine has a foot too low and the ammount of fabric is too big. i wanted to make a stitch around every edge.. but it doesn't look bad without the stitch;d so? why worry about it;d

oh and i have to inform you, that half of the keybord from my computer isn't working, so i have to write from my dad's computer. so i'll write once a day somethin to you, or the alternatice - camera & skype :)

oh! and i had a wonderfull day with ann today;d em sorry.. a 'date' ;d

Friday, September 17, 2010

food food food food food food

i'm trying to make a cook book for myself, a have only few recipes, cuz you know, i'll write down only the ones i have tried. so there is a long journey before me! the cover is in progres.. like you can see.. i don't know what to do to make it look better. and of course every white flower will have a middle, but not now. now i'm more interested what is IN the cook book;d
few posts earlier a wrote about a book i bought. well here are another cupcakes from it;d
they are mainly for my A. cuz he is ill, and he loves everything with a yogurt taste. and he also loves white chocolate. well i found few pieces of white chocolate at home so i made 3 especially for him. they look much much better in reality! and the strawberry-yogurt flawour is really good. i wish i cooked them earlier, i could do better photos in a normal light. maybe i'll have time tomorrow morning, maybe :)

Thursday, September 16, 2010

work in progress

can someone please tell me.. PLEASE.. why do i have to do everything in the last moment!!

and i can't do what i want to do now! everything looks bad :(

hope it'll get better today evening.. it has to!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

analogue photograpy

i adore analogue photography.. but i have to admit i forgot about it a bit. today i developed two films from last winter and this spring :)

the developing was too expensive to printing aswell.. so, for 2h now i'm scanning the films by my old film scanner. torment - i'm telling ya. now i want to show you some scans.. they arent artistic or antyhing but i really like them :) nice memories :)

pogoria lake

macro leafs

my A. ;*

a bug and my yellow tights

center of my city, winter as you can see

macro, pogoria lake

bark? (kora)

botes from pogoria lake

oh this is quite new, maybe a month ago i made it to finish the film :)

little photosession with corinna

and a forest.. and me.. like a tree.. :) A.'s idea :)

hope you like them.. as much as i do beacuse of the memories;d

red head

hi;d i'm a red head from yesterday;d

that was spontaneous!

Monday, September 13, 2010

my cousin's wedding

on Saturday we were having fun at my cousin's wedding. me, my A. and my parents.
first photo i took after i did my hair.. at last my hair has a good lenght. i always wanted to do my hair like this. like a helmet;d but the photo doesn't really show it;d
and the second photo during the party. time: 20:24 (8.24p.m.)

i miss the ice creams and chocolate foundee;d yumm!!

Thursday, September 09, 2010

wedding card and cupcakes :)

Here is a little card for my cousins wedding :) everything is easier with the thing with the sign 'w dniu ślubu' and with this beautiful white brads :)
remember that book i bought about cupcakes few days ago? well, i have translated the recipe about chocolate coconut cupcakes, and today i baked them;d they look so cute, those little ones :) the should look like on the photo, but i didn't put the pudding and the whipped cream yet. they kinda.. naked actually;p but i like how they taste. even ann, who doesn't like coconut said that they are good - or mamybe she wanted to be kind;p

talking about ann, we were in cinema today on INCEPTION (incepcja). and omg we were the only people in the hall. and we could laugh and talk very loud. and the flm was genius!! seriously. it wasn't even 3D and in every second were lots of emotions. great film. if you didn't see it.. GO NOW!! NOW!!

nice day. it was 6h.. but i thought like it was still 2p.m ;p


Wednesday, September 08, 2010


at last i have finished painting the little girl's room (and two elements for the little boy's room)

here is the first wall. on the right from the bed, where the big flower is, normally a chair is situadet there for a parent, who reads books before sleep :)

second wall. a little suprise under the desk :)

third wall. just three flowers.

and the forth wall. omg those dots were awful to do. awful! ;d colours are a bit different in reality, those are photos from my mobile phone..
ohh and do you see twose flowers above the little chest of drawers?! i wanted to do just one flower, the red one on the top, but the nanny wanted to help me.. she started to rub out the pencil, and she made two big stains!!!! i was so angry!! i had to do those 3 flowers to hide the stains!!!!

and two elements from the boy's room. i had to do them. not the whole room, just the shark 'Ar ar ar' and the submarine 'Amelia'.  they are from a kids cartoon - Rubbadubers (or sumtin like that)
the boy is too small for changing the whole room, but the customer asked me if i'll do them cuz he wanted to hide two stains. :)

i really like my work. it was my first work like this. in reality it looks much better, but i was in a hurry doing those photos by my mobile phone. everyone were happy, i even got a bonus :):)

hope you like it :) xxxx

Saturday, September 04, 2010

cupcakes galore

by Gail Wagman

i bought this today.. i visited M1 shopping center today with my A. cuz we were looking for a gift for the wedding we're going to next Saturday.. and of course we didn't find anything interesting. except this book. it was super cheap (for a book like this, it has loads of recipies, beautifull phohos, it's big and the pages are proper) and it's about my new little love CUPCAKES! so i just had to buy it!

and yesterday.. i thought i'll finish painting the little girl's room but of course i didn't. i'm going there on Tuesday, and i hope it will be the last day of painting there :) i'm almost done. but i changed the project of the fourth wall and i have more work beacuse of that!! here is a little sneak peak :)
 and of course there is more.. but i'll share everything when i'll finish.. maybe :):)

i'm broke.. again!! ;o

Thursday, September 02, 2010


i just baked my first muffins!! but you know, first i made from the beggining by myself!! (not half from powder;p)
hmm they don't look very tasy on the photo.. but they are really good in reality.. strange.. but good. bannana and white chocolate, but the banana makes most of the taste.
i'm proud of myself! maybe.. in a year or two i'll learn how to cook dinners haha!! yum!!

oh. i saw it at elycia's blog. it's so cute:


i visited Ikea today with my parents and we bought few little things. nothing interesting (except the muffin baking tray!!). we bought few clothes hangers, and i decided that i'll sew some hanger covers.. i always wanted some, when i saw them i thought it looks like little luxury;p well i had just a bit of time, so i sewed two for myself and one for my mom. they look nice. and at last i could use this awful fabric!! it really isn't pretty, but it's perfect for a hanger cover :)

oh and i bought a cheap but a pretty frame. i oculdn't decide which photo put into it. but when i found this one in one of my albums.. i just had to put it there!! ;d on the left - my A.'s foot and on the right mine;p

and a little sneak peak of a cover i started.. :) hope it will look good :)

now.. dinner;o


Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Sum 41

this song.. i was a big fan of this great band when i was 12/14 years old.. great music.. for me :)
lots of memories :)

oh.. i forgot to mention.. that it's really weird for me to NOT go to school on the 1st September.. :)