
Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Machine Cover and...

 I finished a new machine cover a minute ago.. 
Started it yesterday late evening.. It was a lot of work! Cut 48 regular stripes and then sew them together.. And they aren't as crooked as usually! And I have to admit I like it! :)
But now an important question.. WHY did I sew a new cover for my sewing machine? The previous one was quite nice.. annoying but looked nice..
The answer is veeeery easy.. I HAVE A BRAND NEW SEWING MACHINE!! Yaaaaaay!
 I have it for a day and I looooove it. You won't believe how wonderful it is! I wanted a Janome 625E, but when I wanted to order it the seller said it isn't produced any more and they selled the last one before Christmas.. When I have heared this I thought I will cry.. seriously I was reading about that machine for 3 months! And now I had to pick a new one in one day (last chance of the 10% discount;p).

I wanted a machine that doesn't have a LCD display.. and 625E was the last one from Janome without a such complicated computer.. So of course as you can see.. I bought JANOME DXL603.. and OMG how happy I am that I picked this one, and with a computer!!
 It has 60 different stitches (I didn't know that it had so much stitches to the moment I have received it;p because it wasn't that important for me), regulated sewing speed etc. etc. and the most important for me a full rotary hook system..! Thanks to this innovation this sewing machine is super quiet (I sewed yesterday to 2a.m - with my old sewing machine I had to finishh at 10p.m because it was too loud!)
And I have received a 40x28cm table for free.. it's a great option - veeery comfortable!

If you want to buy a new sewing machine and you want a quiet, precise one.. buy Janome DXL603! It can sew through very thick fabrics and it comes with a lot of different accesories!
Can't wait to my winter holidays to.. sew.. sew.. and SEW!

P.S. Sorry for bad photos - it's sooo freaking dark today!

Have a wonderful New Year's Eve and I wish you that 2012 will be better than 2011.
Thank you for all your comments and support. Love you guys! :)

My plans for today?
Calm evening at my A.'s house with some alcohol and talking.. :)

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

F*nish Th*s B**k by Keri Smith

I'm sure every single person who is in the crafty blog world knows Keri Smith and her 'Wreck This Journal'. If you don't know her at all, you should immediately google her! She created few books which can help people open their mind for.. well.. weird journal stuff! I wanted one for a long time now. Her first book is super fun, I know it from my other friends' blogs.. I wanted to buy it but later I thought that I really know what it is about because everyone around has it! I decided to try something new, and ordered a book which I have no idea what is inside it! And the choice was 'Finish This Book'!
I have received it on the day before Christmas and I started working on it as soon as I had some spare time! It is really interesting.. and you have to do it page by page.. you can't skip anything! So it makes me even more curious.. because I can't look on pages which are in the middle of this wonderful book!

Few of the first pages you can see on the photos below.. you for e.g. have to write a sign 'do not disturb..' or try your favourite pen. I know it sound really weird but it is a lot of fun. Fun with your imagination.
One of the pages is blank just to draw/make something new.. I tried to do a little doodle.. about nothing. Just some shapes.. The other page below is a funny task.. you have to make a photo of yourself wearing a disguise cut from this book! I can bet that you didn't see a task like this anywhere else! Haha! ;d
I'm actually stuck on one of the tasks, but I think I will be able to do it tomorrow..
So curious what the next task will be! :)

If you live in the UK or US, you can buy one of Keri Smith's books on Amazon. And people you have to admit you are so lucky with this website! Her books are very cheap there! Here in Poland you have to pay two times more to get it! I got it for the right price thanks to my lovely cousin who lives actually in the UK :) 

Thank you Asia again! And I'm very sorry that your luggage was full of my stuff! Haha!
I will be organising a giveaway soon.. I'm closing my shop for few days maybe weeks so I will have some time to make something for you guys! :) Thank you for visiting!

Monday, December 26, 2011

A5 planner + good news!

 First about my good news! I have passed my driving licence exam on the 23rd December! You can't believe how happy I am! Unbelieveable! Now it's time to realise my dream about a Mini Cooper! Haha this dream will wait probably about 10 years, but you always should have dreams, right?!

Ok now about the new planner!
It's different - size A5 and it is quite thin but I have to admit it looks adorable with the patchwork red&orange&pink cover! We had a long brainstorm with my client to think out a cover she would like to.. but finally we did it.. And here is how it looks :)
I have to admit it looks better in reality, the weather really isn't good for making photos in my room! It's way too dark in here! The photo below shows the back of the planner.
 I'm not really good in making patchworks, but this one doesn't look that bad! :)
 I really like the effect with the black edging around it.
 I hope my client likes how it looks :)
 There are 4 separating cards from papers bought in here.
 Every card has a simple sign - client's wish :)
I have to admit I really like.. REALLY love how it came out. Something different than usually and it's thin! I always thought that thin notebooks can't look so beautiful! :) Ok I know I'm not modest at all.. but who cares;p

I hope you have a wonderful Christmas time! And of course, don't forget about c r e a t i n g!
Thank you for visiting!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Merry Merry..

 Christmas in two days! Everyone is happy except me haha ;d I'm very stressed.. why? Well.. I have my driving licence exam.. and I'm quite sure I won't pass it at the first time.. The world really hates me! It is snowing (I never drove when it was snowing!), I'm sick and I have a migraine! Everything this week..aaaaghhrr! World, why do you hate me?
Ok.. Ok.. enough whining! Let's talk about something pleasant..

What do I love about christmas? I adore packing gifts! It's my favourite part!
This year I decided that packages will be very very simple, just some brown packing paper and lovely red&white ribbons :) Oh and candy sticks! They look lovely!
And as you can see below, I also love decorating christmas cookies with my mom.. we are not very good at it, but it is a pleasant time spent together.. :)
I wish you all a very merry christmas spent with people you love, a lot of smiles, fun and dreamed presents! I would also want to thank you all for nice comments on my previous post! So happy you like my blog planner! I promise I will put some in my shop after christmas! :)

Please keep you fingers crossed for my driving licence exam! It always helps.. hope this time it will be the same!

Monday, December 19, 2011

Blog Planner

 Why the best ideas come when they really shouldn't?! I started doing this notebook yesterday about 2p.m when I should be learning my presentation!! 
But nevermind..! Most important thing is that I finished it 20 minutes ago and I'm very glad how it looks! I really love it! I know I sound like a snob right now.. but not very often I love things I make so much! Ok, maybe I'll start telling you what is it exactly!
I call it a Blog Planner.. but what is it? Well in my way of thinking it is a notebook in which you organise stuff for your blog, etsy shop, write down all your ideas, swaps and so on..
 It's quite thick (400pages) and it is my first notebook since January which doesn't have rough edges! It is my first one which has a piece of elastic band for closure and for a pen!
And I used separating cards from scrapbooking paper for the first time too.. as you can see this notebook has a lot of innovations ;d
It has seven separating cards which you can see below!
 First part of this notebook is 'blog' for planning when and how show something ony my blog.. the second one is 'private orders' I always draw and write down everything a client wants before starting my work.. the third one is for all kinds of 'ideas'. Fourth is for 'swaps' like earlier, I write everything down.. always! Fifth for giveaways, sixth for all my cooperations.. and the last but not least is for 'everything else' ;p
 Below you can also see how I plan private orders :)
And that on some cards I glued envelopes for various little stuff :)
 I created a super simple pattern of a weekly planner.. there is a place for a date and some things to do.. perfect for planning your posts etc. I also made little stickers with 'tell your story' sign.. hey look quite cute :)
 And last photos of my new love.. Ahh.. they don't really show how it looks in reality..
I hope you like it as much as I do! I'm planning to make some similar 'blog planners' for my shop in January! But I need to know if you guys like it! :)

Woooo! Did you notice I have 400 followers on GFC? Ohhh! Thank you so much! Can't believe over 400 people are reading my blog! Thank you sooo much!

Have a nice week! Five days to Christmas.. yay!

Friday, December 16, 2011

cookbook vol.2

 Do you remember my first cookbook?
Well.. few people really like it.. it was even shown on Claire's blog! And I got two orders from my school mates to make similar ones for them.. unfortunately I don't have photos of the first one but the second one I finished few days ago you can see below..
Isn't the fabrics from the cover amazing? I have just a little bit of it left..! It's one of the most beautiful flowery fabrics I have ever bought! Wish I had it more.. a lot more!
 As you can see it is very simple.. just a sticked sign 'kitchen' on the front cover.
 Five separating cards for various types of recipes.
 After each one we have 50 pages for your favourite recipes - so 250 pages in total.
 Every card is made of a scrapbooking paper bought here.
I think making cookbooks from ring binders are a really good idea beacuse you ca always add more pages if you don't have enough or if you just want to change something inside.. And well.. it looks a bit more interesting than a simple notebook :)

Sorry for not very good photos.. my camera hates me.. o.O

Have a nice weekend! And don't forget to buy your 
presents for Christmas.. just a week left! :)

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Cloudy Journal no. 4

If you read my blog for about a year you know that I love clouds and I looove making cloudy notebooks. I don't know why, just looking at silly clouds on a turquoise background makes me smile! :) This new notebook is, we can say, a sister of this, this and this one.
This time clouds are white - not gray. Size of the notebook - A6 with 200 creamy pages.
Quite thick as you can see :)
Cover made of turquoise corduroy. It's a quite dark colour, but looks nice.
The interior made of a wonderful light blue fabric.
And of course edges look like from an old book.

If you like it and would like to buy it, it will be in my etsy shop soon. But if you would like to buy it now or just not by etsy, please contact me here:

Ahh I hope everything will be ok now. All problems will disappear.. and some of my stresses will go away.. Too much on my mind lately! Too much!

Thank you for visiting my blog!

Sunday, December 04, 2011

Foxy Wallet

 Yup! Again the foxy fabrics! If I could I would sew everything from this lovely fabric;p
It's very simple and sewed very fast. Just to sew something using foxy and something I will have always in my bag :) I used a very very old and destroyed button I found somewhere on the street ;p (shh!) Well I think it looks nice.. not so.. 'new' if you know what I mean :)
 Plain black exterior with a lovely tape for a little colorful touch :)
As you can see on the photos it's note perfectly sewed.. seams are crooked around the zipper.. but it's just because I wanted to sew it super fast and didn't pay attention on details.. But this happens only when I sew something for myself.. which is actually quite weird!

I just finished reading Anne Bishop's 'The Black Jewels' series of books.. and omg I miss the characters sooo much already! Can't wait to January when the 9th volume will come out in Poland.. ah! I have to admit that Anne Bishop (just next to Neil Gaiman) is actually my favourite writer. Brilliant!

Are you reading something super interesting now?