
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Hardcover Flower Journal

I just remembered that I haven't shown you this journal! It was my second book,
and it came out a lot better than the first one which you saw here.
The fabric is thicker so the glue didn't soak through anywhere - and of course I was more carefull! I'm really happy how it looks - simple, but the flowers recompense the simplicity!
It also has about 400 pages and it's A6 - my favourite size :)
The paper from the inside of the cover is from :))
Really nice paper! I love the pattern! 
And finally - I'm glad of these photos!

Have a nice day!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Starflower Blocks

Attention! Prepare for very very bad photos! I have no idea how to make photos of such big objects! I can't go out with them because I live in an enormous block of flats and in front of my block of flats I have no green areas where I can make some photos.. well I could wait with showing these things to spring or summer.. but I'm not a very patient person! haha
I sewed this set about a month (or maybe two) ago.. And I made them thanks to Ellison's tutorial! It's really easy to make starflower blocks - hop onto her blog and check it :)
I made two big (50 x 50 cm) starflower pillows.. my mom picked the fabrics because it was for her :) her little special order ;p as you can see on the photo below the backs of these pillows are made from soft to the touch polar..
And here.. the most important thing.. a (little bit) quilted duvet! It isn't very big it's about 110cm wide and 160cm long - so it's just for one person - perfect for cold evenings with a book (checked!) or warm summer nights! ;d 
It's my first duvet - it's thick and the back of it is also polar, so it's twice warm :) but it's also twice crooked! I have no idea what went wrong, maybe I just sewed it too fast? Don't know.. all I know that it is crooked and I don't really care because still I'm proud of it haha!
I'm very happy I used two of my new decorating stitches - the flowery one and the leafs.. They look really nice (when you imagine that the whole duvet isn't crooked haha!)
What do you think? Do you like it? I'm very proud of it but like I said it's my first duvet! More experienced quilters will probably just laugh! ;p

I am really really sorry for these awful photos!
Have a nice weekend - and wish me luck on Monday..
I have to pass Great Britain's Culture oral test! ;o

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Watercolour Sketchbook

Few weeks ago I found some old watercolour sketchbooks in my drawers.. I ripped the blank pages off, sewed them together.. made a quick patchwork cover.. and.. voilĂ ! ;d
I have a brand new watercolour sketchbook which perfectly fits my bags because it's A5! ;d Patchwork dotty elements are remains from this notebook I made few weeks ago.
As you can see pages aren't equal in size - like I said they are from few sketchbooks :) I thinkg it looks quite weird.. but still nice hehe :))
In the inside of the back cover I sewed a little pocket for some tiny bits of paper I also found in my drawers.. They are good for somy tiny watercolour sketches I sometimes do..
And the standard question -> do you like it? haha ;d

Have a nice day!
My is going to be veeery long.. I'm tired already hahaha ;d

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Romantic Flowery Planner

Have you missed my fabric planners?
I did and I have to get back to making them.. I started making few new planner but I can't get myself together and finish them! I hope I will make them to the end of February! But for now, something I made a month ago.. a Romanric Flowery Planner! :))
I love this fabric! I can't believe I found a bit more of it a while ago in a shop. Can't wait to make some new journals from it too! It's so delicate, and the pastel colours are perfect..
I also used one of my favourite scrapbooking papers in it. I wish I had
more of this cloudy, flowery and polaroid pattern paper :)
I have so many things on my head right now.. I even don't count my little delay at school.. I still didn't pass the first semestre! And I have just 3 weeks left! But nevermind..
We (me and my A.) are thinking about our lives a bit more seriously now and we have a lot of problems concerning that.. so many problems to solve..
But we hope everything will be worth it! Keeping my fingers crossed..

Have a nice day!
With a lot of love and smiles :)

Sunday, February 19, 2012

New Notebook Technique - The Cinch

I can't believe I finally bought a binder - and not just a binder.. but The Cinch!!
I'm so excited! So much new styles for making journals and planners! Yay! I'm twice happy because I bought a used one so it wasn't that much expensive! Well of course buying used things has faults.. what kind of ones? For example, my binder smells awfully.. yes it does o.O it has an awful cigarette smell, and I can't get rid of it. I used a lot of different liquids etc. but it didn't help.. I'm just curious how much a person smoked near this binder, that this smell is so strong! Ehh.. but like I said it's the risk of buying used things! :))
 Of course a day after I have received it I couldn't resist and I tried to make a small planner which I had in my plans for a while now.. I have to admit, using a binder isn't that easy! I have to practice a lot more before I start selling some binded journals :)
 I was in love with this technique from the moment I saw it on pinterest.. lovely!
I used scrapbooking papers from ILS for the main cover and some other papers for the separating cards :)
 On the inside of the main cover you can see a small envelope decorated
with some washi tape .. and a sticker witha a beautiful quotation.. 
 Everything else like in all of my planners, some paper (but this
time recycled checked pages) and separating cards.
 Binders are super useful when talking about recycling some old school notebooks, I had a lot.. really a lot of old notebooks from my previous schools and when I ripped of all the blank pages I couldn't believe that I have them more than 600! I can bind so many journals from them instead of throwing them out! :)
Probably I won't sell any notebooks with recycled pages because they are a bit crooked, I'll make some new notebooks for my university instead of buying new ones! ;d

What do you think? Would you like to have some binded planers/journals? Something different (on my blog) but you have to develope, right?! ;d

Have a nice Sunday!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

XXL Cluth Bag

 At last! I sewed an enormous cluth bag! I wanted to make it for a long time, but I had no idea what I want the front to look like. Inspired by my own pencil case -haha! - (which you can see in one of my previous posts) I finally started sewing! :))
It is really big, it has about 32x27cm. I love the little cluthes I see in shops etc. but I wouldn't really use them.. when I'm going out, even to the post office I always take a lot of things: wallet, purse, tissue holder, phone and book (in case of extremely long queues). So as you can see I need a lot of space in every signle bag I have;p
 I'm very proud of this little phone zipper pocket - I sewed it perfectly (comparing to my previous ones) and it is also quite big, my phone is a little 'brick' :)
 It also has a big inside pocket for things I have in my purse. I just put everything there and leave the purse home - so it doesn't take too much space in the bag :))
 Oh and I also made a photo of me holding this bag to show you more or less the size of it. Sorry for my indoor clothes;p I was too lazy to change my clothes for the photo haha;p
Do you like it? I hope you do hehe because I'm really proud of it!
Have a nice day!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

the 30 day journal challenge part 5

This time I will show you 6 prompts. My favourites are 22, 23, 24 and 26.
The rest is well.. not very good.. but I'm glad I like 4 of them! :))

Journal Prompt 21:
Today is another challenge of sorts :) This is a drawing prompt which may seem scary to some but you will rock it :) (I have seen your illustrations and they are amazing). I want you to illustrate your job.  
The key word here is "illustrate" it. It's kind of like a game of Pictionary right?

Journal Prompt 22:
If you could have one superpower, what would it be?? I think that this silly little prompt may actually say a lot about who we are :)
Yes, I'm dreaming about having beautiful wings.. maybe that's why I love fantasy and angelfantasy books :) of course not the ones with aureolas , white coats etc. I love this a bit darker fantasy.. So if I could have wings.. I would love to have them grey or brown.. 

Journal Prompt 23:
If you had 3 wishes today, what would they be? These can be silly wishes, heartfelt wishes, deep desires, or practical wishes. If you had 3 wishes right now, what would you ask for?

Journal Prompt 24:
What is the best piece of advice you have ever received? Words of wisdom are awesome right? Sometimes I just like to read through proverbs to remind myself of all of that good advice. What is the best advice you have gotten?
These little cloudy stamp is made of a rubber.. I really got into it and make stamps from rubbers all the time haha;p they are so silly, but also super cute! ;p

Journal Prompt 25:
Summer Sounds! If you are like me, music is a total MUST. There are so many great blogs that post playlists regularly and I love love love finding new music through them. Today, I would like you to create your perfect Summer Playlist :) Deal?

Journal Prompt 26:
A challenge. What are some things that you need to challenge yourself to do this summer? I know that this journal challenge is one thing for sure :) Today we will use the prompt- "I challenge myself to..."
And the sign from the last prompt is my favourite. I know my letters are getting a bit boring - I have to practice with some new patterns..! :))

Have a nice day!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Hardcover Purple Journal

Ladies and gentleman! Introducing my A.'s second (note)book!
I think it looks really amazing! It is his second book and it's already very complicated!
Everything is made with great precision! The cover is made of thick purple canvas.
It has about 400 pages size A6  pages are also purple, but have a little different tone.
100% handmade from top to bottom!
(well, we didn't produce the paper ;p but who knows what will be next!)
I hope you like it as much as I do!
I have to ask my boy to make another one like this for me! Haha ;d
This is my last off-school day! What a shame! It was such a wonderful and creative 3 weeks! Tomorrow.. I have 10h at my University.. I whink I'll die there! ;o

I hope your weekend was wonderful! Wish you a lot of energy for the upcoming week!
I have a lot of work at school to the end of February.. so probably I'll won't have time for sewing.. Uh..

P.S. If you are intereted, you can buy it in my etsy shop here!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Small Notebooks from Envelopes

Today I decided to make two A6 journals with paper covers.. As you know, almost every notebook I made is made of fabrics, so it's something quite new to me :)
I was inspired by these moleskine journals.

They are not very complicated as you can see, but I spent a lot of time doing them! :)
 In this one below I used my new washi tape and an image found somewhere on the internet.. unfortunately I don't know the original source of it..
And this one is my favourite! I'm not used to making works like this one, usually when I try they look awful! But I'm really glad how this one looks! :))
 And here you can see my little mess.. and back covers!
As you probably noticed covers are made from recycled envelopes..
I love the colour of this paper! :)

Oh and of course I have no idea what to do with this two notebooks!

Enough of paper work! Now I'm going to sew a little bit..
It was supposedto be such a beautiful weekend with my boyfriend..
and now he is ill! This is just our bad luck! Wish you health ;*

Have a nice Saturday!

Friday, February 10, 2012

the 30 day journal challenge part 4

New prompts! But I have to warn you, they are not very good! From these 5 promts
(you already saw prompt 15) the 16th and 18th are my favourites..
I really don't like hte 19th! Can't believe I made it so ugly! Eeeew!

Photos are not very detailed.. I hope you don't mind it! :)

Journal Prompt 15:
Who or what inspires you?  What gets your creative juices flowing. Is there a person that just oozes inspiration and makes you want to be more creative?  This is your time to document that!!

Journal Prompt 16:
What are your goals for July February?  Today we will write a list of goals that we would like to accomplish in July.  I know I have said a million times but goals are another one of my most favorite things to journal about.  It makes me feel more accountable for them if they are written down and waiting to be crossed off.  Try to think of 3-5 easily attainable goals. 

Journal Prompt 17:
What is your favorite quote?  Mine changes a lot because different things inspire me during the different seasons in my life.  Quotes are powerful reminders of the wisdom we can gather and share with others.

Journal Prompt 18:
Needs and Wants.  What are some things that you need right now?  What are some things that you want right now?  Sometimes these two things are hard to discern right?  

Journal Prompt 19:
Today we are going on a little scavenger hunt!!  Below, you will find a simple scavenger hunt that I created for you all.  With this list, you will find everything on your list and then create a beautiful journal page with it!  So fun!!

Journal Prompt  20:
Favorites!!!  This is another fun prompt to revisit every once in awhile.  If you are like me, your "favorites" may change a lot.  What are your favorite songs, television shows, and hobbies right this second?
I startd a new journal challenge too, but I will tell you more about it later.. after I make few promts from it! :) I hope it will look better than this challenge, because some of the pages are really like really awful!

Curious of your opinions!
Have a nice and warm (it's so cold here.. about -20C!) weekend!

P.S. And thank you so much for so many nice comments in the previous post!

Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Address Card Box

For a while now I was looking for a wooden card file box, like this one below:
I looked everywhere but I couldn't find a nice one with a quite good price.. And what? Of course I got angry! Ha! And started makind my own card file box!
 I am using it for addresses, small thank you envelopes and my washi tape (new!).
The main box is made of a 2mm thick cardboard and I have sticked around it a nice imitating wood veneer! It's not real wood.. but it still looks quite good!
 The main cards with letters are made of various scrapbooking papers and some lovely little alphabet stamps. The cards with addresses are from different papers which I hadn't use for a long time :) On the top of every address card you can see some washi tape, I sticked it because I wanted to distinguish every piece and make it easier to find :)
And here is how it looks from a little distance on my desk :)
Now I think it was a very good decision to make this address card file box by myself.. I save money and it looks quite cute, don't you think?

 Oh, and these 5 washi tape rolls are my first ones, and I have to admit I'm in love and I'm afraid I'll run out of them very fast! They are perfect for decorating everything, seriously everything!

Omg!! I forgot to mention that my blog was featured here today:
You can't imagine how happy I am because of this! Yay! Thank you!!

Have a nice day!