
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

packing orders - continuation

 Few posts back I have shown you how I packed my orders. Well, from a while I have a new way of packing.. and you can see it below! :)
 I don't really think what I am goind to paint.. those are just simple super quick paintings that first come to my mind :) it's not real art, not real paintings.. but I think that people like unpacking those packages :) colorful and you really know that the product inside is something kinda special :)
 first I measure the notebook, make the painting in the good spot and voila! the package has a lovely simple addition :)
 please, don't look like I paint because I am really bad in it :) and those are just simple watercolour paintings :)
do you like the whole idea about 'handmade' packing?

p.s. I'm falling in some kind of little depression because of my studies. I have big problems with passing some tests and I am starting to lose faith that I will really pass them. Oh please keep your fingers crossed for all June  for me!

p.s.2. sorry for those bad photos :)

Sunday, May 29, 2011

the growing cupcake

yesterday I was making cupcakes.. and my A. decided to make a little experiment :) he made a video for me showing the process of baking! thank you ;*

{music - Café del Mar - Dreams - 10}

 you just have to leave me an oppinion about this, do you like it? it's our first time with videos, movie maker programs etc. small thing but such fun!

and if someone doesn't like videos, a quick photo of the 3 remaining cupcakes - they were gone soooo fast! well, who doesn't like nuttela and hazelnuts?! right?!
ohh and see those colorfull cupcake papers? my looovely cousin send me them from England, I am sooo thankful! I coulnd't find any good ones for baking here in shops! and those she gave me are sooooo beautiful colorful and I got them about 300!! thank you again Asia! I just have to 'know them better' and the cupcakes should look nice! those ones above aren't perfect.. I didn't know how these papers would behave :)

my weekend was wonderful thanks to my A! we were on my 'town's days' for a moment, walked in the rain, drank a bit (shh!) and played killzone 3 on my ps3! ahhh such a wonderful 3 days! <3 what a shame I have to get back to 'learning'

hope your weekend was good too!

p.s. I'm preparing a blog post project.. I'll show you the first post about it in few days time! eek - so excited! :)

Thursday, May 26, 2011

marysza featured on

Hi there! Just wanted to share with you with some good news! My blog was featured on my town's web page! That was quite a shock when they asked me if I can write something about myself and my blog! I was so so pleased!
If you want you can hop onto the page (click the image) and you can read it! It's not long, but I really appreciate that someone wanted to write something about me!

Thank you again!
And don't forget about my new anniversary candy!
These two weeks are going to be very hard for me.. so I won't blog very often probably..
Have a nice day!


Wednesday, May 25, 2011

blog anniversary in 39 days!

My blog is turning two in 39 days! I have sold 12 notebooks on etsy so far and I have 131 watchers! Three beautiful resons to organise a new giveaway to show you guys how thankful I'am! I really appreciate all your comments and views.

What can you win? 
Well as usually, the winner will receive one of my notebooks. Size, number of pages, cover, style.. everything will be as the lucky one wishes! So, if you are participating.. start thinking about your dreamed journal!

How to enter?
If you want your chances to be bigger you can have 4 entries. But you have to fulfil all 4 points below:
1. first entry - just put the image below on your blog's sidebar and leave a comment :)
2. second entry - start following my blog and leave comment :)
3. third entry - follow my facebook page and leave a comment :)
4. fourth entry - if you bought something from my etsy store you can leave another comment :) will help me choose the winner!

Hope you like this giveaway!
Thank you again for all your lovely words!


Tuesday, May 24, 2011

elegance & romance

 I have finished this notebook today.. well I really shouldn't be crafting but I just couldn't resist spending my (unexpected) free time on sewing yesterday! Especially now, when I am just learning and thinking about school.. free time is a luxury!

I was thinking about making a notebook like this for a while, but I couldn't find the right fabric. But here it is! A navy-blue fabric with white dots ♥, a lace and a creamy leather strap. I love the colour set! It looks so elegant and romantic.. don't you think?
 I don't know why I am so glad of this one, maybe just because I didn't sew for too long! I really missed it;p hehe
 It was hard to get that creamy leather strap - so happy I found it!
 The interior is made of an old fabric from my grandma's wardrobe!
 Embroidered flowers
Do you like it? I know the photos are bad, and they also don't show the true beauty of this journal. You have to believe in my word that it looks better in reality! It's a bit different style than I usually make, but changes are good.. aren't they? :) I really can't wait the end of my egzams, I have so many little projects in my head!

Thank you all for your lovely comments and visits! I really appreciate it :)


Monday, May 23, 2011

What's in your bag?

 'What's in my bag' - as you all probably know this is a popular game around the world. It's about showing everyone what is in your bag on various pages f.e. in this flickr group.
Thanks to the photo-game on art pisakownica I have put myself together (at last!) and made a photo. I wanted to make one for a year or something but I just didn't have any inspiration.

about the content:
bag. notebook. wallet. tissue holder. key-plushie. pencil-case. purse. mirror - h&m. lipstick - inglot. tic-tac. red pepper (for safety;p). book - 'eat, pray, love' part 2 - elizabeth gilbert.

now seriously. bloggin is too addicting!!! I am supposed to be learning American Culture right now and I'm bloggin!!!!! hehe;d beware of blog addictions!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

crafty PEEP swap!

 I have signed up for the Crafty PEEP Swap here a while ago. and finally my partner received her crafty swap things!

and here's what I made for my swap partner Rowan
 a spring set consisting of: a wallet, a tissue holder and a crochet needle/pecil case

similar to the cloudy one
 but, it has a plastic recycled zipper - experiment :)
 big button

tissue holder
 just a simple one, fitting the wallet :)

crochet needle/pencil case
  I made photos before I pressed them - that's why it looks so crumpled!
ink sign - create with love
I have to make a similar to myself, as you can see it has eyelets - so you can hang it on the wall etc.. :) nice solution, I love lots of stuff hanging on my wall

ohh I hope she likes it!


now: mint yerba mate, nutella&hazelnut delicious cupcakes and... Sunday with learning and doing homeworks.. :( the worst thing about this is.. that the weather is so beautiful todayand I have to stay home and do stuff for school!

Friday, May 20, 2011

crafty PEEP swap!

just wanted to show you what I got from the my Crafty PEEP Swap partner Rowan! she has a a blog, which you really should! and look what she made for me..
 a beautiful amigurumi doll! I saw these dolls for the first time thanks to Rowan, and omg I am sooo glad I have one! I really really fell in love with them! I'm going to buy a bunch of them somewhere in the future for my kiddos. seriously!

and get this, she looks like me! she is a redhair and she is holding a lollipop (i love sweets)!
I just had problems with making some good photos, so you have to believe me that it is even more cuter in reality! thank you Rowan!!! Oh, and if you really like this doll, hop to my partner's shop!

and yesterday I was in the cinema on one of those films I was looking forward to watch. it was a spontaneous thing.. few of my friends were going and there was one place left.. sooo nice I could go. I love the cinema, but somehow I couldn't go there for a while..

Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides (3D)
I loved the effects, scenery, actor's stylizations and the sense of humour. of course the first and the second parts were much better.. but still I really liked it. and I can recommend it for all maniacs of the Pirates of the Caribbean :)

now.. breakfast and learning..

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

new treasures

as I mentioned in the previous post, on Sunday we visited the open air flea market :) and I bought few things.. today I will show you two adorable old metal tins!
 they are so charming! a bit destroyed as you can see, but it makes them only more beautiful! :)
 one of the tins is full of wooden cloth clips - I'm going to paint them all.. don't know when.. but there is a plan! haha;d

in september I bought in Wroclaw a beautiful wintage crochet hanger.. and yesterday I have found a lovely vintage flowery hanger in my grandma's wardrobe! isn't it beautiful? I want all my hangers look like those two!
and again a little sneak-peak of how I pack free gifts to my orders! do you like it?
now I'm going to learn french (like every Tuesday..)

thank you for those lovely comments under the previous post! 

Sunday, May 15, 2011

a rainy day and a cameo

we had so many plans for today with my A. but the rain destroyed almost everything! one day off school and work and of course it was a rainy ray. uhh
 we have visited the open air flea market today but only for like 40 minutes because it started raining and the stands started to hide.. I bought a bunch of things but I will show you them when I will clean them and make some good photos (sun! come back, please!!)

 for today I can show you this beautiful necklace with a Cameo (it's that, right?) I'm in love with everything with cameo's from while ♥
isn't it beautiful? it's very small and the red colour fits my hair haha;d so happy I have found it and it was cheap! usually when I ran into them they were sooo expensive!

how was your weekend?


Saturday, May 14, 2011

lovely stamps

oh my goshh I had a stressful morning! my blog disappeared for an half an hour! I was terrified, I thought it won't come back! but now fortunately everything is ok.. uf! now, let's get to the point:

few weeks ago I have started watching Ashley's blog called Under Those Neon Lights and I have discovered that she is making her own beautiful stamps! I felt in love especially with two of them, the one with the hearty sewing machine and the second one with a thread! they don't cost much and the shipping is cheap! I had to buy them..
I got them a week ago and I have to admit.. I love them!
 I'm using them for decorating my handmade envelopes where I usually put small thank you letters and on the big shipping envelopes under my address :)
when I'm receiving some handmade stuff I love when the packages have a touch of handmade too :) so I'm trying to make my envelopes a bit special too :)

recently, I also started packing my notebooks with nice papers, I hope my clients unpack their new journals with pleasure! :)
  I hope this little post isn't very boring :) I don't have time for sewing in May :( because of my studies.. ehh.. and now I have to start learning.. eeek!

have a nice Thursday!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

cloudy turquoise


two months ago I made these turquoise pages and finally, few days ago I have finished a notebook with them. I don't know if someone will like it, it's an experiment.. I didn't plan making anything from those pages, but few of you told me that the colorful pages look nice, so thanks to you guys I decided to make a notebook.
it looks cute, really :) 200 pages size A6
turquoise corduroy and grey linen
 cloud and rain drops
just a quick post before I start learning french for today.. uhh why is it so difficult o.O
I hope you like this experiment :) 

wish I had a garden where I could learn on the fresh air.. aww

have a nice week!


Monday, May 09, 2011

etsy favourites vol 4

set of 9 beautiful things for a person obsessed with sewing (me)
from my etsy favourites. wanna have them all!! ;d

1. 2. 3.
4. 5. 6.
7. 8. 9.

Friday, May 06, 2011

wooden clips

just a short post about something colorful :)

a while ago I started painting my wooden clips, they had just one colour.. but then I sat and started painting them with different patterns.. inspired from my nails! I was inspired by this image.
 I have to tell you it's looking quite nice in reality :)
and recently I'm in love with my turquoise&white dots nails ;d


school started.. eeeeek!

Wednesday, May 04, 2011

special order

 special notebook fo a special person! :)

 few weeks ago I and Ania from Moje Zielone Wzgórze decided to make a swap. I love her bags for a looong time now, and she just discovered my blog and liked my work.. so.. after a long brainstorm we decided who gets what! :) and today she finally received it!

I made for her an XXL notebook. the biggest I have ever done. her guidelines: patchwork and polka dots! I wish I had more polka dots fabrics - I could do it better. But here it is :)
 A5 - 400 is super thick! 8cm thick!
 looong leather stripe.
 above photo before sewing to the pages :)
 and a little suprise inside: a spool and the first letter of Ann's name :)
 of course, it's crooked, I dunno why, but I don't know how to sew straight patchworks!! ;o
and on the last photo, you can see a comparison of the prototype (which you can win here) and Ann's new property! :)

what I received from Ann you will see in another post :)
I hope she likes it!! :)


Tuesday, May 03, 2011

'behind the scenes'

something from our life. a little long-weekend trip to the country side. we have visited my boy's family for the weekend. it's not really far away from here but the air is so fresh and healthy (unlike here in my messy town). A. had some work there but anyway whe spent almost all the time together :) 

 prepare for a few photos!
 love shamrocs,  really believe they are lucky! and on the photo above you can also see my finger haha;d i had my fingers painted in a turquoise nail polish with white dots. i love having different colors every day!
 above: me and my A. ;* not a very good photo, but I like it so much!
and below just my A. ;* trying to make a serious expression ;d

 a really weird but beautiful root!
 and flowersflowers ahh so happy spring is here!

 oh and few minutes walk from my A.'s family house and you can visit enormous stones!

 during A.'s work time, I was sitting on my waterproof blanket and reading Etsy Tips, second part of Eat Pray Love and of course eating. lately, I just can't stop eating!
 and here the last day.. sitting, watching the sunset and drinking beer.. I usually don't drink beer but sometimes I have a like on Desperados, very sweet one.

wish weekends like these could last forever. no worries - just about the weather (which wasn't really good by the way!) and just doing nothing..

thank you all so much for those super nice comments on the 'tiny notebooks' post! thank you for your oppinions! after I will pass all my exams I promise I will make some to put in my shop!

how was your long-may-weekend? 


oh oh I almost forgot about the..
here are girls which were picked thanks to

girls you will receive little gifts from me! just please send me your addresses here:
hope you will like your presents!
