
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Foxy Journal

 Not long ago I bought some beautiful fabrics on etsy.. I paid a fortune but I couldn't resist.. yes - buying fabrics is addicting! Very addicting! What have I bought? Well.. few yards of very colorful fabrics like this Foxy one which you can se on the new notebook below!
This is my favourite one from my new little stack!
 As you can see the edges are gigner (orange..? noo.. ginger!) 
Almost the same colour as the foxes from the cover!
 Pages inside are creamy as usually..
 And the journal is closed by a colorful tape which I got with the fabrics!
I know it is a very simple cover, but I didn't want to hide these cute foxies!

I'm thinking of making one for myself from this fabric.. But omg I am so scared I will use it too fast! I really hope I will be able to buy it somewhere in the future..!

Special Thanks for Jodi W. who owns the shop sewfinefabric on etsy. She send me more fabrics than I ordered and everything was beautifully wrapped. I wish every seller was like that!

Monday, November 28, 2011

cyber monday!

I think that everyone knows what is Cyber Monday but in case some of you didn't.. in short: it's a day after Thanksgiving Day.. and it's a day when all internet shops have discounts! I am very thankful for all comments you leave and that you support my works so so much!

Here is something to say thank you!
Just after you order something at my etsy shop - write to in a special coupon code space this: CYBERMONDAY - this is a special coupon code which gaves you 20% off on every product from my shop! Even the smallest Handy Notebooks! :)

And if you want to order outside etsy - just contact me and in the main title of the e-mail please write CYBERMONDAY aswell! :)

How long will the 20% Coupon Code be available?
To Friday! So everyone has some time to think about the purchase!

Ohh and if you have some problems with the coupon code please contact me! I will help :)

Have a nice week! I have to learn - again! o.O

Friday, November 25, 2011

the most beautiful watercolour painting

A while ago me and Pasiakowa organised a little swap. Look what I received today! One of the most beautiful watercolour paintings I have ever seen! I love paintings like this one.. so colorful and full of life! I wish I could draw/paint something like this!
Pasiakowa wanted a pencil case from me.. well now I think it is just nothing comparing to this beautiful painting! Oh I love blog swaps so so much ;d
I showed you this pencil case earlier - just wanted to remind you how it looks!

Thank you so sooo much Kinga for creating this amazing watercolour!
Hope we will have more swaps int the future! ;p

Now.. friday evening.. and what am I doing? Learning business english! Uhh..
But I had to sacrifice Friday's evening.. to go on tomorrow's party after my old school's auction! Yay! Can't wait to see all those people I haven't seen for a year or two!


Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Everyone around is making cookbooks.. Inspired by Anita and some other bloggers I decided to create a new recipe book. My old one looks.. ah.. truly awful! And I didn't like it at all.. So it was a good thing to make a new one;d I'm not sure yet if it will be mine - maybe I will give it to one of my friends.. not sure yet! :)
I'm not really good in scrapbooking.. so I just made the cookbook from and old ring binder.. and yes.. of course I had to add one of my beautiful fabrics!
 As you can see above I was too lazy to sew the foil with the paper.. maybe I will change it when I will use my sewing machine again :) - unfortunately not very soon..
 There are 4 cards separating simple pages. And on the first one you can see a foil pocket.. for some loose recipes.
 Pages from old notebooks - recycled! ;d
It looks a bit better in reality.. I had to make photos very fast.. so they don't show everything right. I hope you like it - even though the photos are poor!

Have a nice day! I'm off to school!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Book Giveaway!

Hi there! Today I have something special for you guys! :)

A long time ago I bought two used english books.. I thought I would read them.. But of course I was wrong - I am too lazy to read something this big in english! I really love this language, but two books (which aren't fantasy!!) would be just a torture for me! So I thought.. 'I have a lot of english blog friends, and a lot of polish ones who know english.. why not give them these books?' Soooo.. here they are!
I'm giving away two used english books!
1. Linda Green - '10 Reasons Not to Fall in Love (and one man to prove them all wrong)'
2. Charlotte Bingham - The Wind of the Sea

What you have to do to have a chance to win these two books? Well..
- follow my blog (blogger, facebook, bloglovin, networked blogs - the choice is yours)
- put the image of the giveaway on your blog :)
- leave a comment telling me you did so
- and come back here on the 6th December to see if you had won!

P.S. Open worldwide!

Good luck! I really hope there are some people who want these two books! :)


Last night was a really bad night.. and I have just one question now.. Why people are so bad and evil? Why can't they leave good people alone? It's weird but the best people always have more problems.. I hope everything will be ok soon..

We have a winner!
6. kamykowa


Sunday, November 20, 2011

Sewing swap part 2

 Remember the Sewing Swap with Anita, and the beautiful bag I have received from her? Today I will show you what I made for this swap! :)
Anita loves to sew and she wanted one of my notebooks.. So I created a romantic version of the Sewer's Journal specially for her :)
 I really love the fabric from the cover - I hope Anita likes it as much as I do :) I have a bit of it left.. Maybe I will make a notebook for my shop from this beautiful fabric soon :)
 Pages are creamy.. and the edges are colorful.. I hope she likes this little innovation;p
 And a simple fabric strap for closure.. Size - A6, 200 pages :)
I really love swap with other bloggers.. It's amazing.. receive beautiful packages with beautiful things inside.. and you almost never know what you will receive.. You just know that it will be special.

Thank you again Anita for this wonderful swap! I love your bag so so much!

P.S. If someone is interested in buying this book - I have it for sale. 49zł (+10zł shipping) and it's your's :) I just don't have time to make stuff from it.. too much hobbies! :)

Thursday, November 17, 2011

notebook 'notebook'

 New notebook! Yay! At last! And as you can see.. it has an ambitious name haha!
It's a bit different that my previous notebooks.. remember the 'Sewer's Journal'? Well, it has very similar pages! Different colour but the same style!
 It looks better in reality, colour of the edges is very very nice.
 The cover imitates a simple school notebook with lines.. 
It looks quite interesting, don't you think?
 Leather strap for closure - 64cm long
 Colour of the pages - as usually - creamy :)
 Oh and I forgot to mention the interior! It's made of a beautiful, 
flowery and super delicate fabric. It looks a bit romantic..?
 And a macro photo to show you the edges.. which of course are aged! :)
Oh and it's a bit thinner that previous ones.. it has 200 pages.. I just thought that not everyone need 400 pages.. Some people rather like few thinner notebooks that one super thick.. :)

Do you like it? Well if yes.. you can find it in my shop already! :)
Ok.. now I have to prepare for some test which I have in few hours!
Eeeek.. wish me luck :)


Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Projekt Zeszyt II / Project Notebook II

 Hello! Hello! Look what I finally got in the mail yesterday!
When I heared that Michelle sent the notebooks last Monday.. I was checking the mail 100 times a day! ;o
 Project Notebook - it's a project organised by Michelle. She asked 60 bloggers to create over 60 pages (each person) and then sent the pages to her. After she received sheets from everyone, she bind them into a lovely notebook. Michelle also made the front cover - it has a  vintage touch as you can see - I love it.
 This project is amazing. Every notebook has it's own history. Every page is different. Every page inspires in it's own way. I am so happy I could participate in this project!
 There are a lot of wonderful pages! But these two are my favourites!
 And probably some of you are wondering, how my pages look like..
 Well.. here thay are! 
I have to admit it was a looot of work. Sewing around every page took ages! But I am very proud of the final effect! :) And I'm happy that some of the girls who participated guessed which pages are mine :d

I really hope I will participate in the third edition of this project one day..
Thank you once more Michelle! And big thanks for every single person for creating this wonderful notebook! I have no idea what I will do with it.. wel.. it will probably just lay on my des for few months. It's too beautiful! I could destroy it! ;o

Have a nice week! Full of inspiration.. :)

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Sewing Swap

Oh! A week without a post! I am so sorry! But I really didn't sew anything new for a bit of time.. so I didn't really had what to show you.. but now.. my blog friend Anita rescued me! :)
She sent me a lovely lovely cloudy bag this week. Of course I didn't finish a gift for her.. But this week t will change for sure. For now, I will show you what I got!
Isn't she beautiful and sooo inspiring? The exterior is made of white&blue dotty fabric.. and it has a small pocket inside. Just perfect for carrying my books too school :)
Thank you Anita sooo sooo much! I love it! And please be patient, I will finish your gift this week!

Ohh! And something wonderful happened! My boy bought a car! I know it's not a 'wow' type of a information for you.. but for me it is! And I just had to boast about it! I'm so proud!

P.S. Few notebooks comming to my shop this week!


Sunday, November 06, 2011

Autumn Post vol.2 + Cuddly Cowl

 Can you believe that there is still no snow?! And we still have a super beautiful autumn! And it's very warm too! Unbelieveable! I'm happy it's not very cold, because I can wear my new gift which I received from.. Charlie which has a very inspiring blog Polka Dots are Love!
She gave me a beautiful, cozy and very cuddly cowl she made!
Thank you sooo sooo much Charlie! I really love it already!
It's really really wonderful! The colour as you can see is grey, but this grey has a perfect tone. It will fit almost all my clothes! Here are some photos with this new beauty!
 I am so happy that it's still warm and colorful outside.. I had to take my boy for a walk in the forest in his town.. again.. and make some new photos!!
Photos aren't artistic or 'fashion' as you can see :) I just wanted to show you my new cuddly cowl! :) My hair is very unfotogenic lately.. so please don't look at it;p
On the photo above I'm attacking my boy;d haha! Poor Alan! He really didn't know I want to jump on him;p Silly photo - but I love it! ;d
Ahh.. can you see it? Plain blue sky behind the trees? Beautiful view.. :)

Can't wait for Friday. My plan? Finishing 8 new notebooks!

P.S. If you really really like my notebooks.. there is a nice giveaway at Little Chief Honeybee! You can win a custom notebook! Everything as you wish - pages, colour and pattern! If you are interested just hop on to Kaelah's blog!


Thursday, November 03, 2011

Watercolours - Cupcake ♥

 I hate when I don't have anything I can post about.. I feel so empty! 
I don't have time for sewing.. well I have but only late evenings when I cant turn on my machine because it's too loud! So i sew.. by hand.. a quilt.. made of hexagons.. I started making it in September.. and I hope I'll finish it to the end of 2011!

And for now.. just a little simple watercolour I made a week ago.. just for practice :)
Of course the colours are different than in reality - my scanner is really annoying!
and two sneakpeaks of what I'm working on! :)
As I mentioned before - quilt made of hexagons!
and something for people who like my notebooks.. but shh!

have a nice day! and thanks for lovely comments on my previous post!