
Saturday, December 29, 2012

Simple Pillow Case

I wanted to use fabrics which I have received from Lejdi so I decided to make a new pillow case few days ago. I have about 12 pillows in my room and I try to change their cases quite often so my room won't get boring for me. It's also a simple excuse to sew more and more pillow cases!
This one as you can see is very simple and of course I was in a hurry sewing it so these little squares are a bit crooked.. but I don't really care if things in my room are crooked or not! :)
Forgot to take a photo of the back of this pillow case, but you can see in the mirror that it's made of the light blue fabric from the front :) These fabrics have a really nice and a bit weird pattern! :)
Unfortunately my time for sewing is almost gone! I'm leaving to Wrocław tomorrow morning and I'll be back just before school so I'll have to concentrate on something totally different than sewing. But I'm happy I had some free time to create and that now I have a lot of things to show you!

I wish you a wonderful New Year's Eve, a perfect 2013 and I want to thank you all for your support in 2012. You are the biggest motivation! Thank you so so much!

Thursday, December 27, 2012

I wasn't lazy!

OMG! I can't believe that it has been two weeks from my last post! Unbeliveable. I hate long breaks here! But I have an excuse! I wasn't lazy at all for the last 14 days. I had a lot of work at school but also, as soon as I started my Christmas holidays I started creating! :) 

I made another notebook with a notebook cover ;d
 And with a funny interior, I love this Elvis pattern fabric! Thank you Lejdi :*
And I am constantly playing with my new fabric markers, I made several things using painted fabrics but I can't show you them now unfortunately. But I can show you this little experimental tissue holder. It has the easiest pattern in the whole wide world but I like it. This severe look is quite nice.
 I need to make some tissue holders like this one for myself but with eg. some simple sketches.
Another thing I have been making - vanity bags. Two vanity bags with a typewriter application on the font. I still have no idea what to do with the bright one!
 They have identic size. And have flowery interior, but each interior is different.
 Oh and I have also been working on something you can see on the sneak peek below!
Can't wait to show you some things I was making today too, unfortunately I haven't finished them so you'll have to wait! I also hope you didn't mind this long break.. it's really rare for me to make such long brakes on my blog! For today, no more sewing because I'm going to the cinema to see Hobbit. I'm sure it it a perfect movie!

I hope you had wonderful Christmas time and that you have received your dreamed gifts!
Have a nice evening,

Thursday, December 13, 2012

A little bit of this.. and a little bit of that :)

Uhh.. still no time for sewing, mostly because I stay at my friend's house all the time
(she lives next to my University and we really have better grades when we learn together!)
so again I have to show you some things I made a couple of weeks ago :)
 Some time ago we (me & Antilight) decided to make another little swap!
 I sewed for her a mini vanity bag and two tissue holders :) I send it few days ago with a christmas card (one of the cards you had seen in the previous post).
But it's not that I don't do anything creative at all! Two days ago I received a wonderful gift from my friend Bee.. she gave me a set of Sharpie Fabric Markers! Ohh you can't imagine how happy I am! I have been planning to buy them for a long time!

I had to try them out so I drew some feathers on my friend's pijama (she liked it so much that she washed it immediately and wore it the next day - not as a pijama anymore!)
Yesterday when I came back home I found an old simple blouse, of course
I decided to play with my new markers..
 And feathers again! It's not a piece of art, but It's always fun to wear
something you (almost) did by yourself, right? :)
 I thought that the colour will loose some saturation after washing, but it really didn't!
 Now I think that maybe these markers weren't such a good idea.. I'll draw something on every single fabric I have! Uhh.. but It's really fun - that's most important! :)

Hope you have a nice day,

Saturday, December 08, 2012

Christmas Cards

I don't know what's happening with me lately.. I created Christmas Cards!
It's quite weird because I really didn't like making cards earlier..
Maybe it's because playing with paper takes less time than sewing and it is
also a nice way to relax and get rid of bad thoughts..
I know they're not works of art, but it's always nice to receive something handmade,
even if it is just a simple christmas card with nice christmas wishes :)
 I have so much to sew and no time for it! It's an awful situation! I hope you
have more time for your passions lately.. and for going out! It's quite warm outside and
the snow is just perfect for making snowmans and snowfights! Ahh :)
I will send these cards to some of my blog friends and for the ROBÓTKA 2012 :)
I hope someone will appreciate my first christmas cards ever!! ;d

Have a wonderful December,

Materials used from:
(and other  which I don't remember)

Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Eyeglasses Case

A week ago I started wearing glasses.. quite a shock for a person who had always a perfect sight.. but what can I say, too much sewing, books and computers.. :)

I really like the shape of my glasses but I had no money for a nice eyeglasses case..
 As a person obsessed with handmade and with little money.. I found an extremely cheap case without a pattern.. and of course I altered it! :)
 I used a very narrow tape and few nail polishes (two with a special ending).
Et voila! A nice eyeglasses case with a geometric and a bit fashionable pattern!
 It's not perfect - I'm not good at drawing really straight lines.. but I love it :) Used my favourite nail polish colours.. It took me an hour to make it (+ time to get it dry).
Nice final effect, don't you think? :)

I am very sorry for not visiting your blogs lately etc. but I really don't have time for anything lately because of my studies.. can't wait to the Christmas break.. uhh!

Have a nice week,

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Art Journal Pages

I am so glad you liked the previous post! Some of you said I should show paper-works more often.. well.. ok! Here are some art-journal pages I haven't shown you yet!

These are pages made for SODAlicious challenges! :)

no10 'chaos'
usually my pages express a lot of feelings and actual thoughts.. as you can see
I had a bit rough time when I was making this page

no11 'idea'

no12 'tell me'
page on the left.. still not very optimistic page but a bit more colorful :)

no13 'shelter'
the one on the right.. here nice colours and first days when it was snowing! fortunately that snow disappeared quickly.. I like winter.. but not that much!

no14 'this is it'
page about the Craftshow in Cracow, where I met wonderful girls in person!

no15 'point of view'
and last but not least, in fact - one of my favourite pages..

I have no time at all for sewing lately and I really hate it. I need to sew so many things! I have to sew so many gifts for Christmas, I hope I will manage to finish everything on time!

I hope you have more time for pleasant things right now than I have..

Have a nice evening,

P.S. Materials used for art-journal pages from here:

Sunday, November 25, 2012

December Daily Project

Christmas is comming! And it's time to start magical preparations! Two amazingly creative bloggers (Kasia worQshop and Antiligt) invited me to participate in their December Daily Project! How could I say no? It's my first time with december daily but as every person - I love new challenges!
My December Daily is very small (11,5cm x 9cm) but as you can see it's very thick (about 5cm) and it's empty! Can't imagine how thick it will be after I will add some christmas plans and ideas!
 To make the main body I used some old cardboards and painted them with white acrylic paint and turquoise ink. Then added some washi tape, scrapbooking papers, numbers etc.
 There is notmuch space for writing and stiking things, but it's not a problem. I can always add some new pages instead of sticking them on the cardboards - and it will be thicker!
 I used a cotton twine to keep the cards together because I couldn't find any rings in an appropriate size!
 I know it's not a super complicated and beautiful December Daily, but I' glad I did it! Now I can start planning everything and start feeling the Christmas Magic!

This is our December Daily Prompt {check}List!
We would be so happy to see your works inspired by this project!
Feel free to join our little project and show your creativeness! :)

And don't forget to see Kasias' works:
> > > > Antilight < < < <
> > > >Kasia worQshop < < < <

Have a wonderful weekend,

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Animal Pattern Planner

Hello all! Uhh I had such a rough week! I'm so happy I have today's evening just to myself.. as soon as I will finish this post I'm going to bed with some hot chocolate and a book! :)
I made this planner some time ago but completely forgot about it! The cover is made from a lovely fabric with an animal pattern. The inside is from a fine canvas.
 It has 400 pages with 5 separating cards, and an elastic band for closure and a pen.
 Cards have patterns on both sides as you can see :)
It's still available if someone's interested!

Outside the blog world news:
- my and my lovely friend Bee bought tickets for the upcomming concert of Brodka (great Polish artist)! Yay! Can't wait to hear her live! Sooo excited!
- i visited the oculist yesterday.. and guess what.. I'll be wearing glasses! No all time, just when I'm driving and when I'm at school but still it's kinda weird cuz I had a really great vision always (until now!)
- I'm so broke I even don't have fuel for my car!!

Hope you have a nicer week than I,

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Unsatisfying Journal

The latest Craft Challenge at Art Piaskownica I decided to make about notebooks.. I was surprised that I haven't thought about it earlier! I'm obsessed with all kinds of journals and notebooks. Girls from the design team also liked this idea so we started creating.. and what? I made one of the worst journals! Well it's not that it is super ugly or something.. I'm just horrified how I mixed styles and patterns.. and it really didn't came out as I thought it would.. ehh.. just take a look!
The cover is made of thick cardboard covered with a lovely, delicate fabric.
I tried to make a closure by an elastic band but forgot that it will be visible at the back too, so I used a dotty fabric to cover it.. (as you can see these two fabrics don't really match together).
I made rough pages and painted them with brown ink (it looks like red.. but nevermind) and the pages are now too rough and don't match the delicate cover!
I also forgot how to make notebooks with hardcover and I ruined the inside too! :(
This notebook already has a new owner, but I really don't understand why she wanted it!
I hope I won't make similar mistakes in the future.. how could I use so many different patterns and styles in one thing? It's like I have never sewed earlier! Uhh.. I'm really unsatisfied with this journal.. but maybe you have a different opinion about it.. I will be glad to hear it! Even if it will be similar as mine! :)

Keep your fingers crossed for all my tests this week.. it'll be a nightmare!

Have a wonderful weekend,