to finally organise a candy!
but eventually i thought that some of you maybe want something made by me..
the first and main thing that the winner will receive is a notebook made by my little hands :) such as those below. the winner will pick the fabric and he will choose the pages colour, the number of pages (max. 500 pages, but i think noone needs more;p) and of course the size of the notebook: A5 or A6 (A6 looks more cute!).
notebooks like this are worth about 25 to 40 dolars, probably because people spend a lot of time creating them. first notebook i made, about 2 months ago.. took me 6h. thats a lot. you can see some of my notebooks here. here. here. here and here.
the second thing that the winner will receive.. are fabrics :)
not big amounts of them.. but when i'll buy more, during the candy i'll add something for sure. those fabrics you can se on the photo above are in the candy (maybe some more..) they look better in reality (ohh why today all my digital camreas are uncharged..)
third thing? some ribbons..? tapes..? like you can see on the photos below. some of them have 2m :)

oh and i saw on your blogs.. that some of you like tapes imitating wood.. i found some in my drawer.. so i'm adding it to this candy.. :)
and almost new gel-pens. i didn't use them. every pen works, i checked it a moment ago.
rules are simple:
-write a comment in this post with an information that you want to participate in this candy and a link to your blog :)
-put an information about this candy on your blog (you can copy the image below and put in in your sidebar)
-only one comment per person
-i will ship wordwide, so people from every country can participate
-wait until 1st February - the day when i'll pick the winner (maybe by but i'm not sure)
-it would be nice if you would add me to your observed blogs, but it's not necessary :)
i'll be adding new objects to this candy soon - i'll write an information about it :)
and maybe, if there will be a lot of people patricipating.. i'll choose two winners? :) time will tell :)