my dad thinks i'm obssesed with bags, am I? i don't think so;p i'm just learning how to sew, i know some basic stuff now, but my abilities aren't good for sewing clothes or something like that, it's a long sewing journey for me :) but at least i started to sew bags without any tutorials :) it's the second one, similar to the one my friend Kamila has, i never had a envelope bag cuz i love enormous bag where i can put everything i need. but now, when i started to sew, i don't have to spend a lot of money to have something like that :) and i think that a small bag like this is sometimes really good (it has place for my wallet, vanity-bag and maybe a book will fit?). i had problems with sewing the handle but eventually it worked quite good.. oh except the fact that it's turned!! i have to fix it somehow tomorrow!!

now i have to go to bed cuz i'm really tired;p i woke up too early!!
ReplyDeleteYou can find some really good free bag patterns if you google free bag patterns/tutorials. Some are PDF's that you can download some are featured on blogs.
Many thanks for visitng my blog today.
i know but i like to do some myself now, but thank you :) i started sewing on Lotta's Jansdotter's tutorials :)
ReplyDeleteczy ty mnie nie powinnaś szyć tych torebek - bo przecież ja mam na ich punkcie pierdolca :P
ReplyDeletemoja mam dziś dopiero widziała torbę od ciebie (która już wymaga prania i odmeszenia xD - nie pytaj why :D) w każdym bądź razie zastanawiam się co z nią zrobię.
jak się spotkamy wezmę resztę moich materiałów i popróbuję sobie porobić coś - może cóś z tego wyjdzie. i muszę się jakoś wybrać po stempelki resztę :D
ja tez zawsze mialam bzika na ich punkcie ale zal mi bylo kasy na nie.. :) no to sie kiedys umowimy i wpadniesz po to. co ty z ta torba robilas ze po 2 dniach jest zmeszona ;o
ReplyDelete48 godzin, 3 imprezy, 4 miasta.... grunt, że żyje xD
ReplyDeletespoko. z Tobą zawsze.