I didn't write for a loooong time! Well, I'm sorry but i really don't have time to use my fathers' computer (writing posts on my broken keyboard isn't really pleasant)
Those past two weeks were full of.. everything? Yes.. everything. Even teras and broke ups. But about those unpleasant things later.. maybe..
First thing I want to mention is the Autumn Exchange! Well i got this beautiful teapot cover. And it fits my pot! Its really suprising because my pot has a really bizzare shape.. and I didn't know how to sew a cover for it;p
Of course, with a teapot cover.. i got loads and loads of fruity teas! I love them. Their taste is very intensive and sweet (i don't use sugar, and even wothout it they are sweet) oh and i love the box also! it has a romantic/flowery pattern and it has a nice closing..
the photo on the left is 'stolen' from my partners' blog - Ishin (i hope you don't mind! thank you)
the photo on the left also Ishins' [and on this upper photo you can see what i have sent to Ishin]
now something about my work in the restaurant. i work there just one day a week.. so it isn't going very fast.. but i'm not going to cry because of it ;) i'll work threw this long weekend, and i hope i'll finish it, or just be very close to finishing..
i finished this wall 2 weeks ago.. and i really like it :)
like i wrote in the post 2 weeks ago, one big advantage of having classes in the evenings is that I have time to drink my lovely yerba mate every day..
i love my hair colour more every day..
oh and like i mentioned earlier, i had few unpleasant situations.. of course every unpleasant situation is beacuse of me.. it's my fault.. but id doesn't make me feel better..
after those not very good things.. (caused by my emotional problems.. meeting new people.. and awaking my asleeped desires..) there were also few suprising (in the good meaning) and romantic situations..
thank you.. i know
you are reading this post..
and i want you to know,
that i really appreciate those things..
ok, now lets get back to more arty thing;d like expressing myself! i don't have time for sewing, calligraphy or other things.. but i recalled one little easy activity, which i was doing few years ago.. namely..
nail painting! i always had a lot of nail polishes (not 40, but for me 5 in my favourite colours was really A LOT)

now i have them 11. 10 - my favourite colours, and only 1 that i don'r really use. now I paint my nails every day.. and you can't imagine how happy it makes me! it's the way i express myself now.. (i think?) except my hair colour.. and sometimes my clothes.. but.. it can sound stupid.. but expressing myself helps me with everything. even with my stupid emotional problems.
i sewed a t-shirt on Sunday, it isn't super beautiful but i sewed it properly. as you know, you have to have a lot of fabric to make a t-shirt, and i had only one fabric in this quantaties.. even if it doesnt look great, i'm glad of myself and i will wear it soon.. after that day with my little passions everything looked better.. even my emotional problems o.O
thats why every person needs a passion.. every person..
i sewed a t-shirt on Sunday, it isn't super beautiful but i sewed it properly. as you know, you have to have a lot of fabric to make a t-shirt, and i had only one fabric in this quantaties.. even if it doesnt look great, i'm glad of myself and i will wear it soon.. after that day with my little passions everything looked better.. even my emotional problems o.O
thats why every person needs a passion.. every person..
oh and i was on a student party in Katowice with few of my friends from my group. my legs hurt two days after that night. i was so tired. but it was worth it. i had the best time tyll Woodstock. dancing and dancing all night.. and it was the second time (after woodstock) when i didn't gave a FUCK about everything and everyone!
oh and here are some photos from todays' morning.. i eved did a wallpaper for my phone from this photo as you can see;d i love my short but colourful nails;d
and now i'm going to bed.. cuz tomorrow i have to visit the doctor and then learn french for this big test! omg i hate french xd hahaha
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