Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Dark Flower Journal

Back to a very old fabric, which was one of my favourites long time ago.. I made a very similar notebook (but with rough edges) when I was opening my shop on etsy a year ago!
And I really didn't make visible stitches on the side for few months! I am very happy my client asked me to do it. I refreshed my memory and checked if I am still able to do it!
Visible stitches look quite good, don't they? I am really angry on myself that I forgot about them! They are a really nice little accent on a journal :)
Creamy pages - without rough edges! I think I'm a bit bored with olden ones. I still have a few to create this month, but I am happy I had a little break! ;d
I really can't wait till the 20th January. Two weeks for my boy and my sewing machine!
I hope you like this journal.. If there is something you don't like in it - please tell me! I need some criticism sometimes hehe! :)

Thank you for all your support and lovely comments.. I will organise something nice for you at the end of January to show you guys how thankful I really am!


  1. bardzo retro! fajna nowa okładka,nie będzie się niszczyć

  2. My friend just got me one of your journals for my birthday and I love it ! I love your work ! You do such an amazing job ! Thank you !

  3. Świetny.:) bardzo mi się podoba materiał, którego użyłaś. :)

  4. Chciałabym umieć tak szyć ! wspaniałe

  5. superowa okładka, jaki grubasek wyszedł:)

  6. quinster - ohh great! which one was it? I knew I was doing one planner (A5) for a present, but maybe it's not that one.. which one is it? :D i am so happy you like it! :D and thank YOU!

    enthia - material to stara spodnica, taka baardzo stara;p

    sagitta - eee tam :) nic trudnego :)

  7. No to ostatnie zdjęcie... aż mam ciarki na tyłku! :D

  8. Trudno się krytykuje coś, co jest naprawdę ładne ;) Mrrrr :)


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