Monday, July 11, 2011

wonderful weekend at the fun fair

These weekend was a special one! I visited an amusement park at Chorzów. I probably was there before when I was little, but I don't remember a thing. So we can say it was my first time! And it was soooo fun! I felt like a kid for the whole day!

Visit at the fun fair was a suprise from my A. ;* Thank you! It was a wonderful idea!
 We tried almost every attraction!
 On this one, I discovered I really don't have an acrophobia, which I thoug I had haha!
 We could see the whole city from the top of the big wheel :)
 As you can see everyone was making photos (look behind us;p)
 Oh and I forgot to mention the weather.. it was just perfect! Hot (but not too hot) sunny and.. well just perfect! It's quite exciting, because always when we are planning some trips it's rainy and stormy o.O
 And I had a pink cotton candy.. I know it's silly.. but i love it! An on the picture above it looks like I'm giving some to the handsome stony guy behind me haha!
Here you can se the biggest rollercoaster in Poland (it's probably one of the smallest in the world.. but nevermind) It was our first ride on a real rollercoaster and we loved it. Well I felt a bit weird when whe had the 6th ride.. but it was really super fun and exciting!
 Liike I said the 6th ride exhausted me.. very very much so I had to rest a bit.. Grass next to the lake was a perfect place.. ahh
And here is a photo from the rollercoasted which we got after the ride.. The quality is awful but it's a nice souvenir.. 

We like it so much, that we want to visit some amusement parks next year.. but we want to visit the ones with really, really big rollercoasters!! Like this one here:
Super scary, isn't it?? ;o

I hope your weekend was as fun as mine was, or even more! Tell me something about it!

pssss! you can find my guest post here! check it out! nothing interesting but maybe someone will be a bit inspired by my room! thank you Allison for the chance to show myself on Crafted Love!


  1. looks like a lot of fun! i've been on Top Thrill Dragster (the roller coaster that you posted the video of)! it's CRAZY, but i love it!

    my weekend was boring, but nice. i went out friday night with my boyfriend and some friends and then laid around all day on saturday. haha

  2. oh my god I'm so jelous that you have been on the Top Thrill Dragster! ;o

    and boring weekends with boyfriends.. are the most beautiful weekends ever :) for me hehe :D

  3. Uuuu ja się szykuję w ten weekend na zoo chorzowskie i oby wesołe miasteczko :D piękna fotorelacja!

  4. ooo my nie dalismy rady zoo i wesolego miasteczka jednego dnia! w zoo bylismy jakies 3 tyg temu.. w wesolym nam caly dzien zlecial:D

  5. fajniutki weekend:)
    piękne zdjęcia, wszystko takie kolorowe:)
    dziękuję za odwiedziny:)

  6. Bajkowy weekend :) Nie pamiętam, kiedy ostatnio byłam w wesołym miasteczku... lata świetlne temu, kiedy byłam małą dziewczynką ;)

    A pokój masz świetny :) Tyle się tam pięknego dzieje! :) Zauroczona jestem autoportretem - magiczne zdjęcie!

    I też mam maszynę Brothera ;) Tylko wymieniłam jej niedawno taśmę i chyba coś pokręciłam, bo nie jest napięta i przy czcionkach, gdzie głowica idzie do góry, taśma mi się zahacza :(

    No, nic tam ;) Miłego wieczoru!! :)

  7. Pasiakowa - dziekuje! Autoportrety to moja praca semestralna z ostatniej klasy liceum, troche sie nad nimi nameczylam chociaz robilam je na sotatnia chwile (jak wiadomo pomysly wpadaja do glowy zawsze za pozno:D)
    Co do maszyny to nie wymienialam tasmy jeszcze, bo ciagle zapominam kupic jak mam pieniadze ale tez jakos sie kiepsko trzyma na tym Brotherze.. mam tez maszyne z Consula, ta zielona i tam wymienialam tasme i wszystko ladnie smiga.. Nie wiem co jest grane o.O

  8. I am from Ohio in the US and know about the Top Thrill Dragster,wow!
    That is great that you had a fun time,your pictures are lovely thank you for sharing.
    You are so pretty..i think your hair color kicks- a** !! :)


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